WWE Raw Biggest Losers: What’s Going on With Bayley?

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Kurt Angle

Okay, hear me out on this one. You’re probably reading this saying, “Man, guy dresses in a Bayley costume, then thinks Kurt Angle is a loser? Has he lost his mind?” While the answer to that is, “Possibly,” I think I have a good explanation.

Right now, everything Kurt Angle does is based on making Raw appear to be the premier show in WWE. He’s trying to make big matches every Monday night, and he’s trying to claim brand supremacy at Survivor Series. He was forced to be the captain, so I can’t fault him for lacing them up again. But his choices for teammates, while mostly great, show that he’s not really thinking things through all the way.

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It’s a no-brainer to pick Braun Strowman. You may not be able to control him, but as long as he’s got quality competition he’ll be fine. But picking Finn Balor and Samoa Joe? Those two get along these days about as well as Tom and Jerry, Itchy and Scratchy, and Raw and SmackDown. Sure, they’re both fantastic competitors, and Angle admires their fire. But they’re probably going to kill each other on the apron at Survivor Series. Not a good way to establish brand supremacy.

And then, there’s the nepotism selection. Angle’s fifth competitor didn’t have to earn diddly squat – he just chose his kid, Jason Jordan. I can’t believe I’m siding with Booker T on this one, but come on, man. At least make him win a match more important than a “guitar on a pole” match against Elias.

Throw in some jabs at SmackDown and a “methinks he doth protest too much” defense of the Daniel Bryan attack, and Kurt had a rough night this week. Maybe it’s the jet lag.