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What’s in store for “Holiday Week” in WWE? Let’s take an outside the box look at the week ahead.
One of my favorite pastimes as a WWE fan is to try and guess what’s going to happen in the future. I don’t go out of my way to spoil myself. But trying to get into the heads of the creative department is a good way to kill some time.
We’re just days away from Clash of Champions for the SmackDown brand. The card is pretty much set at this point, but that doesn’t mean things can’t – or won’t – change. Will Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan make any moves before the pay per view?
As for Raw, there’s plenty of things happening despite several weeks until a pay per view. The Intercontinental Championship Open Challenge will roll on, but is it causing trouble for The Shield? How about the monkey wrench thrown into the cruiserweight division over the weekend?
Let’s not forget this is WWE Holiday Week, so there’s even more programming on the USA Network than usual. Wednesday night brings the broadcast premiere of NXT, (hopefully) putting more eyes than usual on the stars of tomorrow. And Thursday night brings the annual Tribute to the Troops show, which is more of an exhibition show than anything to further major storylines.
So let’s think outside the box for what may happen this week.