WWE: 3 Ways To Make Hardy vs. Wyatt The Feud We Deserve

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Credit: WWE.com


Hardy and Wyatt keep talking about their feud being a Great War, right? And wars are fought with soldiers, right? So it’s time for the generals to get to recruiting. In fact, a recruitment spree would get the audience excited and would lead to the wrestling fan’s favorite pastime: speculation. Imagine the amount of talk and “Top Ten” lists such a situation could create. But in any case, this “Great War” cannot and will not gain traction if it’s simply executed between the two wrestlers. Besides, we’re expecting something grandiose, right? So might as well get the staff in to get us excited.

Allow me to put on my fantasy booking hat (it’s made of felt) to illustrate my point.

Matt Hardy already has a trove of Woken staff to call upon. Most obviously, it’s just a question of time before Jeff Hardy gets cleared to return to the ring, so Brother Nero joining the fray is a shoo-in. But what about other gloriously absurd characters. One could expect Reby Hardy, Senor Benjamin, and even Vanguard-freakin’-1 to show up, but the Woken Warriors would need more… warriors. Hardy should recruit wrestlers who will echo his own over-the-top ways. For instance, Shane Helms showed up at the Royal Rumble a few weeks ago; The Hurricane would be a perfect Woken soldier (and he’s shown up in the Broken Universe before). I even think the Boogeyman would be a perfect fit. And who knows, maybe he’s been living in the forests around the Hardy Compound…?

Bray, on the other hand, needs to recruit the lost souls, those who harbor darkness. During this time, he would appear mysteriously across all of WWE’s shows to bring them into his new Family. For instance, he could show up on SmackDown Live and “awaken” the Ascension, reminding them of their darkness. He could even head over to NXT and recruit Nikki Cross, convincing her she has the spirit of Sister Abigail in her.

Regardless of how it goes down, the armies for the Great War need to be put together and, if done right, could provide some excellent storytelling possibilities as well as reasons to get the fanbase fired up.