WWE WrestleMania 34: Predicting The United States Championship Match


Almost every title is usually defended at WrestleMania, so what match will be in store for the United States Championship at WWE WrestleMania 34?

Right now, the United States title picture is struggling. After a tournament that led to the coronation of Bobby Roode as United States Champion, Roode has been feuding with the likes of Randy Orton and Jinder Mahal.

The problem here is that Roode is having trouble getting over as a face, while Jinder is draining the feud with his nagging promos, and Randy Orton is really just there to hit some RKO’s. Admittedly, you can’t really blame the Superstars for this lackluster feud since it is being forced to revolve around WWE SmackDown‘s new Top Ten List.

Well, this has led to a match between Roode and Orton at Fastlane that oddly excludes Jinder from the match. I’m assuming he’ll get involved in some way to keep this feud going on the Road to WrestleMania.

However, these three aren’t the only ones that have a legitimate claim to the United States Championship. Dolph Ziggler never lost the title, and once he (most likely) loses at Fastlane, he will be looking for a path to WrestleMania. So, the US Title is going to be his claim to a ‘Mania spot.

Ziggler isn’t the only one that is owed a US Title shot. Since Ziggler forfeited the belt, Baron Corbin never had the opportunity to have his rematch. So, once he (most likely) loses at Fastlane, he’ll be looking to capitalize on that claim and turn it into a spot at WrestleMania.

So, now we have five Superstars that could potentially be in the United States Championship, but we many need to add a sixth because WrestleMania 34 falls on April 8th, which just so happensto also be Rusev Day!


Rusev is arguably the most over Superstar on the roster with his Rusev Day gimmick, people chanting for him at every show, and his merch selling like crazy on WWE.com. But regardless of his popularity, Rusev hasn’t wrestled on SmackDown for three weeks.

So, since SmackDown Live is the land of opportunity, Rusev should be given the opportunity to perform, to the delight of the crowd, at WrestleMania. The United States Champinship match would be a perfect spot for him as he’s accompanied by Aiden English.

How do we decide between these six Superstars for the US Title match? Well, we don’t! A common theme and staple of WrestleMania is a multi man ladder match, and with all the other title matches shaping up around 2-3 competitors, it looks like the US Title will have the privilege of hosting it this year.

So, I predict that the WrestleMania 34 match for the United States Championship will be: Bobby Roode (c) vs. Randy Orton vs. Jinder Mahal vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Baron Corbin vs. Rusev in a ladder match.

Next: WrestleMania 34: The Usos Will Finally Shine

Since WrestleMania is all about the moments, and Orton always seems to come out on top in ‘Mania matches, I think this will be where Orton captures the United States Championship to finally become a Grand Slam Champion in WWE.