Cody Rhodes: Is He Wrestling’s Best Heel Right Now?

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The New Leader?

From this point forward, Cody began to attempt to further divide The Bullet Club from Kenny. He insisted that he was holding The Young Bucks back by calling them the best “junior” tag team in the world. The Bucks, in response, would move to heavyweight, where they are going to wrestle The Golden Lovers at Strong Style Evolved. The battle to see who really is the best tag team in the world.

Cody also tried to plant seeds of descension with Marty Scrull. He told Marty that he should make The Villain Club a real thing and focus on that instead of Bullet Club. The peace maker, Marty was set aside, and the best friends of Kenny were now suspicious of him. Cody’s working to turn the Bullet Club on Kenny Omega was working. With a smirk and line like Satan in the Garden, he plants seeds of doubt in the minds of Kenny’s friends, further isolating him from the rest of the Bullet Club.

After Honor Rising Night 1, we were treated to a promo from Cody. He said what he has been saying for awhile now: The Bullet Club is fine. Cody, you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. After delivering his usual line, Cody added a new one: The Bullet Club is mine. Thus, the coup, in the eyes of Cody, was complete. He was now the leader of the Bullet Club, and Kenny Omega was out.

During Honor Rising Night 2, Cody’s nefarious tactics continued. He assaulted Kota Ibushi, and yelled again that “Kenny doesn’t love you like I do!” Next, he even kissed Kota against his will. Kota did not take kindly to this, and proceeded to kick the crap out of Cody to the delight of the fans. Every time Cody would do something, the crowd in Korakuen Hall would erupt into boos.

After all of this, I was left wondering “Is he the best heel in wrestling?” Upon reflection, I can’t think of many more that I’d consider better. The performances of Kenny Omega and Kota Ibushi are second to none in this story, but without Cody it would not have the heat it does. He is playing his roll perfectly. He is planting seeds of doubt and descension between Kenny Omega and everyone else in the Bullet Club.

Since the announcement of the main event for ROH Supercard of Honor, Cody vs. Kenny Omega for control of the Bullet Club, ticket sales have shot through the roof. Ring of Honor will definitely beat their highest attendance number. They achieved that last year at Supercard of Honor. Indeed, it seems that well over 5000 people will be attending the show, making it one of the biggest wrestling events outside of WWE in North America in years. Cody has successfully done what every great heel in wrestling does. He makes the audience want to see him get his comeuppance. He has made Kenny into one of wrestling’s biggest babyfaces, and in turn has made himself one of the hottest heel acts in wrestling.

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Come Supercard of Honor, I will definitely be watching eagerly as two of the biggest stars outside of WWE fight to control The Bullet Club. So, is Cody Rhodes wrestling’s best heel today? I think he is. His performance, especially since Wrestle Kingdom 12, has been nothing short of outstanding. His work has been so great that Ring of Honor has my money. That is the mark of a good wrestler. They have me so emotionally invested that buying the PPV will be easy. Cody has made that happen for me. He is, in my mind, without question the best heel in wrestling today.