PROGRESS Chapter 64 Review: Thunderbastards Are Go!

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PROGRESS Wrestling World Championship

Travis Banks (c) def. Matt Riddle (18:05): ****

 The rubber match was everything you’d expect it to be. A stiff match between these two is not uncommon given their two previous meetings. Each man threw absolutely everything at the other, but neither could put the other away. It was a great match of resiliency, toughness, and Banks’ will to win as champion.

The further into the match it went, the more Riddle found out about Banks’ determination to win. The match continued to pick up pace as Riddle continued to unleash his entire arsenal on Banks. A powerbomb followed by the stiffest knee in wrestling still couldn’t put Banks away. Riddle then would go for a tombstone, but Banks reversed it into one of his own for two. The Kiwi Buzzsaw then headed to the top rope, but Riddle cuts him off. He scoops Banks up over his shoulder and nails him with a tombstone from the middle rope! He covers Banks, but yet again he kicks out!

Riddle then begins to brutally stomp and punch away at Travis’ head much like he did against Rampage Brown to win the ATLAS Title back at Chapter 42. However, Banks fights through the pain only to get nailed with a top rope back senton from Riddle. Rather than go for the cover, Riddle stands over Banks, letting the champion claw his way back to his feet. Riddle then scoops him up and hits Banks with the Gotch Tombstone, but again Banks kicks out!

Riddle wastes no time locking in the Bro-mission right after. Banks is on the ropes here, but he is able to roll Riddle over far enough to hook his legs for a three count, angering many in the audience and leaving Riddle beside himself.

The crowd was incredibly split throughout this match, something rare in a Banks title defense. Much of those there live were pulling for Riddle, but in the end, their wishes were crushed at the hands of a minute mistake from Riddle. It’s not often that you see Matt Riddle get out-wrestled to lose a match, but that’s exactly what happened here. Banks now rolls into Chapter 65 with close to 10 title defenses.

After the match, Flash Morgan Webster came out onto the ramp to stare down Banks. As he appears, however, so does Vicky Haskins. As Webster turns to look at her, a look of confusion no longer crosses his face. A very interesting development as Flash prepares to challenge Banks at Chapter 65.

Chapter 64 Standout Performer: Mark Davis

This seems to be an out of left field choice, but Davis has suddenly risen from out of nowhere, becoming a very good singles competitor in PROGRESS. Mostly seen alongside Kyle Fletcher as Aussie Open, Davis has now been in two really good singles matches against his partner Fletcher to qualify for the Natural Progression Series, and this one against Mayhew as well. Add those to the tremendous war he had against WALTER, and PROGRESS suddenly has a potential rising star on their hands.

Next: 3 Reasons Why John Cena Should Win At Fastlane

Chapter 64 Show Grade: B-

The show absolutely delivered, giving us three really good to great matches. The main event is definitely a head scratcher, however. Not in the result, but that crowd. I’ve not heard a split so severe against Banks throughout this run. I really hope that it just has to do with the Bro’s popularity and doesn’t have a carryover effect.