Impact Wrestling Redemption 2018 Match Predictions

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Austin Aries (c) vs. Pentagon Jr. vs. Rey Fenix For the Impact World Championship

After seeing how good their Triple Threat match at Wrestlecon in New Orleans was, I legitimately think this is a Match of the Year Candidate. I mean, it might not surpass the likes of Johnny Gargano vs. Tommaso Ciampa, Johnny Gargano vs. Andrade “Cien” Almas, or Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Minoru Suzuki, but, well, I wouldn’t say it has “no chance” either. It should end up being one of the best matches of 2018, which isn’t something to take lightly, given the laundry list of epic encounters we’ve witnessed through the first four-months-and-change of the year.

Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix are, in some sense, living legends, and Austin Aries dubs himself “The Greatest Man That Ever Lived”. His high opinion of himself is warranted, seeing as how he was the only person in the Cruiserweight Division whom the fans could have bought as being Neville’s equal. Furthermore, Aries’s work in Ring of Honor made him a legend in that company, and, well, he isn’t the “Belt Collector” for no reason.

That said, Aries still has to prove that he is “The Guy” in Impact Wrestling. Sure, he is both the World Champion and the Grand Champion, but Aries needs to keep having great matches and standing out with the presence of a true champion in order to fully gain the respect of the fans. There are also viewers outside of Impact who are a bit reluctant to buy into Aries, and the initially billed feud between him and Alberto El Patron, who was released over WrestleMania weekend for no-showing a joint event between Impact Wrestling and Lucha Underground, didn’t do him any favors.

Although there hasn’t been much of a chance to build this Triple Threat match for the world title, El Patron’s firing has been a case of addition by subtraction. People are more excited about this match, and you could argue that the lights-out Wrestlecon bout did more to hype this match up than anything else.

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There’s no doubt that we’re headed for a treat in the main event of Redemption, and there’s also no doubt that Aries will retain the title. This is the easiest match to predict. It doesn’t make it any worse, though, because the important thing is that these three men kill it and help make Aries look like a million bucks as the champion.