WWE: Changing Dean Ambrose’s Character Upon His Return Is A Must

Dean Ambrose has been in desperate need of a character change for some time, and just as it appeared that he was about to get one an untimely injury derailed his path to WWE WrestleMania 34.  When Ambrose does return though, fans expect a different Lunatic Fringe, but which character direction would be best?

Originally when The Shield arrived on the scene in the WWE, it was Dean Ambrose that made the initial impression on most fans.  The reason for the immediate impact was Ambrose’s ability to deliver a high quality promo, as well as his over the top charisma.

As time has gone on though, the other two members of The Shield, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins have leap frogged Ambrose, with both being more consistently featured in big events.  Right when Ambrose was looking to catch a break with a Shield reunion, he suffered a torn triceps tendon that has cost him over four months to this point.

Considering Ambrose had a potential heel turn on the horizon and reports that he could be ahead of schedule in a potential return to the ring, what would be the best way to bring Ambrose back?  The two directions that can be taken are riding the wave of excitement and keeping the Lunatic Fringe as a babyface, or going ahead with the previously planned heel turn.

If WWE decides to keep Ambrose a babyface there would need to be major changes with the way he is presented.  The first change is the goofy, pandering to the crowd promos that Ambrose delivers.

Ambrose is a main event talent who will never stay in a main event spot if he cannot be taken seriously.  This Ambrose needs to get straight to business with his promos and channel his inner Jon Moxley.

Speaking of goofy elements of Ambrose’s game that need to get cut, the Lunatic Lariat should be no more or limited.  This move needs to be saved for occasional matches, big spots, and opponents who can truly sell the move.

The final babyface adjustment for Ambrose is simple, blur the lines.  Ambrose is a lunatic who should have an allegiance to nobody.  If an opportunity presents itself for Ambrose to attack a babyface or a heel he should take it.

Truthfully that seems like too much effort and guidelines for WWE‘s creative team to follow, so just turn Ambrose heel.  Ambrose can’t pander to a crowd that he is trying to agitate, and therefore will automatically deliver serious promos.

Another fix with Ambrose no longer trying to please the crowd is that he can ditch the brawler style that has hurt his match quality.  Dean Ambrose can be a methodical and cerebral wrestler as a heel, whereas that would be considered too slow and boring of a style as a babyface.

The proof to how good Ambrose was as an in-ring performer can be seen in old FCW, CZW (World Title Scene, not the hardcore matches), and Dragon Gate USA tape.  This should give proof that Ambrose can easily excel in a new heel role since it was what he was known for, but also it eliminates all the concerning parts of his character that helped make his babyface run stale.

The final piece is key.  Who Ambrose feuds with upon his return is important.  Since WWE books Reigns and Rollins as babyfaces, both would be high caliber feuds for Ambrose to dive into.

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Personally I still believe that there is a lot of money in Ambrose being a babyface, but a heel turn would literally eliminate every concern I have that is preventing him from becoming a consistent main event superstar.  As a heel, Ambrose will finally stand atop of the company with his former Shield brothers.