WWE Raw Buy Or Sell: Bayley Vs. Sasha Banks Should Be The Main Event


After last Monday on WWE Raw, it appears as if the WWE Universe is finally going to get the long awaited Sasha Banks vs. Bayley feud.  There has been so much anticipation for this feud that it begs the question, should Bayley and Sasha be closing every show going forward?

While Bayley and Sasha had a feud that ultimately led to The Boss’ swan song in NXT, most of the two superstars’ story on the main roster has been about friendship.  Bayley even debuted as Sasha’s mystery tag team partner, and from there on out The Hugger and The Boss were inseparable.

Yet, all good things (especially in the world of professional wrestling) must come to an end.  What started out as friendly competition, eventually ended with jealousy and greed.

Both Sasha and Bayley not only had the desire to prove to the other that they were better, but also were willing to undercut the other on the way to the Raw Women’s Championship.  Then finally after all the false starts to a true Bayley vs. Sasha feud, fans were treated to what seemed like the moment where the switch finally flipped for one of the two superstars.

Following a tag team match this past week on Raw, Bayley attacked Sasha in full heel fashion.  Even leading to Bayley cursing at Sasha following an additional assault outside of the ring.

The fans in attendance in San Diego gave the pop of the night for Bayley, as it was the realization that this long awaited feud is finally moving forward.  Which brings us back to the original question, does this feud deserve main event treatment?

The Argument Against

I always play both sides of the argument when writing a “Buy Or Sell” article, because there are usually pros and cons to every WWE topic.  So what is the con to booking Sasha vs. Bayley in the main event?

Well there is a big one, if WWE Creative decides to stick with the “counseling” angle, then this feud is in big trouble.  After a vicious attack by Bayley, should fans be excited to watch one or both of these superstars talk about their feelings?

If this was earlier on in the feud it would make more sense, but after a major attack has already taken place, my expectations are for this rivalry to get even more physical.  What makes a counseling storyline sound even more ridiculous, is it was a physical altercation in and around the ring that sparked the orders by Kurt Angle.

Isn’t that what the WWE is known for?  When we break down what WWE really is, it is a company filled with employees who have anger issues and must settle their differences physically.  Counseling would be better suited for a superstar who attacked their boss, right Ronda?

The final concern with this feud taking a detour to a counselor is that Sasha and Bayley’s rivalry becomes a joke.  It was hilarious when Team Hell No went to anger management, but that was a mid-card comedy skit.

The Argument For

Sasha vs. Bayley has been the second most anticipated feud in WWE, only behind Miz vs. Daniel Bryan, and that is all subject to a matter of opinion.  With that said, those two superstars are on WWE SmackDown Live, while Sasha and Bayley are on Raw.

This makes Sasha and Bayley the most anticipated feud on Monday nights and should answer the question right there.  But wait, there is more!

The Women’s Division has been gaining more and more credibility over the past two years, and it started with Sasha vs. Charlotte Flair at WWE Hell in a Cell 2016.  On that night Sasha and Charlotte main evented the pay-per-view in a first of its kind (women’s) Hell in a Cell match.

The reason that feud escalated to Hell in a Cell was because of the hatred between both superstars.  Now fast forward to Sasha vs. Bayley, and now we have an even more exciting storyline on our hands.

This feud truly started with classic matches in NXT, then went down the story of friendship, which finally ended in betrayal.  So many emotions are naturally evoked when watching Sasha vs. Bayley that it makes this feud the most cared about one in the WWE at this moment.


Even though there are concerns about the direction that counseling could take this story, I am BUYING that Sasha vs. Bayley should be the main event feud going forward for Raw.  As hokey as counseling might seem, sometimes as wrestling fans we must dumb ourselves down to enjoy the other stuff that isn’t hokey, and is just plain great.

Next: WWE Raw: Sami Zayn Should Return As A Commentator

The WWE Universe should approach this feud similar to going to a Fast and Furious movie and making sure that the breaking of the laws of physics does not ruin your good time watching the film.  Just like that movie, this feud might have some “oh yeah right” moments, but don’t let that stop you from enjoying two great superstars who are entering their prime.