AEW: 5 matches we want to see in All Elite Wrestling in 2020

WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 2: Nyla Rose, in black, a transgender woman, competes against female wrester Riho, in white, in the All Elite Wrestling Womens World Championship at the Capitol One Arena in Washington, D.C., October 2, 2019. Rose fights a cis-gender woman. At the end Riho defeated Rose. (Astrid Riecken For The Washington Post via Getty Images)
WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 2: Nyla Rose, in black, a transgender woman, competes against female wrester Riho, in white, in the All Elite Wrestling Womens World Championship at the Capitol One Arena in Washington, D.C., October 2, 2019. Rose fights a cis-gender woman. At the end Riho defeated Rose. (Astrid Riecken For The Washington Post via Getty Images)
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2020 officially marks AEW’s second year in business. What possible matches could All Elite Wrestling have in store for us? Let’s take some guesses.

AEW’s debut year in 2019 exceeded expectations both critically and financially. Between all of the massive success the promotion saw last year, it was the stupendous matches that helped the promotion build an audience in its infancy.

Matches like Cody vs. Dustin Rhodes and Young Bucks vs. Lucha Bros. left enough of a strong impression that expectations for the promotion when it comes to match quality alone is even higher for 2020. So far, AEW is on track to meet those expectations, as current storylines are teasing some hotly anticipated Match of the Year candidates for the future, like Hangman Page vs. Kenny Omega for example.

I looked at All Elite Wrestling’s roster and took a stab at brewing up some potential dream matches that could be great if they happen in 2020.

Let’s start off big by talking about a potential main event match-up.

Chris Jericho vs. Pentagon Jr.

At All In, AEW may have somewhat foreshadowed a future encounter between World Champion Chris Jericho and one-half of the AAA World Tag Team Champions Pentagon Jr. when the former dressed up as the latter before attacking Kenny Omega.

Sure, it may be hard to believe that AEW could have the foresight to foreshadow such a match four months before AEW was even announced, but let’s not forget they foreshadowed Scorpio Sky vs. Jericho months before it happened as well. It’s not hard to think that Pentagon vs. Jericho is at least an idea at this point.

And if not, it certainly should be. If you ask me, not pitting two of today’s best in-ring technicians and two of wrestling’s most wildly charismatic personalities against each other is just leaving money on the table. Such money shouldn’t go to waste.