Dear WWE Creative: Reunite The IIconics, Please

The IIconics capture the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships by defeating Bayley & Sasha Banks, Beth Phoenix & Natalya and Nia Jax & Tamina at WrestleMania. Photo Credit:
The IIconics capture the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships by defeating Bayley & Sasha Banks, Beth Phoenix & Natalya and Nia Jax & Tamina at WrestleMania. Photo Credit:

Dear WWE Creative,

What can I say? The 2021 Royal Rumble was a smashing success.

From both the women’s and men’s Rumble matches to Goldberg vs. Drew McIntrye, Sasha Banks vs. Carmella, and the Last Man Standing Match; the energy from the superstars and the stories told gave me a good feeling that the Road to WrestleMania will prove to be an entertaining season in the WWE.

The “moment” between Peyton Royce and Billie Kay during the Women’s 2021 Royal Rumble reminded fans of the mistake WWE made when they split up the IIconics.

One thing that stuck out for me was the reunions that took place. Team Hell No in the ring together after all this time gave me goosebumps, and watching Christian and Edge hug got me emotional; however, seeing Billie Kay and Peyton Royce come together had me once again wondering why these ladies were split apart in the first place.

The truth of the matter is: I’m not one of those fans who believe tag teams should stay together forever. If a split up will help to enhance the singles career of even one member of the duo, I’m all for it.

While I hated seeing the New Day break up last year, if it means Big E gets thrust into the spotlight so he can enjoy a solid run, and maybe a WWE Championship reign, then I’m okay with sitting back and watching things unfold. The same can be said for any tag teams or factions that have broken up over the years.

Really, where would Shawn Michaels be today had he not broken free from Marty Jannetty all those years ago? The same thought could go hand-in-hand with Edge, Christian, Bret Hart, and many others.

With that said, Billie Kay has been a highlight on SmackDown, giving it all she can, and entertaining fans with what she’s given. Kay may not be in the title picture, but she is being given tangible television time nonetheless. The same cannot be said for Royce, a talent both in the ring and on the mic. There’s not much opportunity being thrown her way, and it’s shame.

It boggles my mind how women’s tag titles were introduced in 2019, with very few storylines or anchors attached to them since. No major feuds, just the odd build-up of matches here and there. Another pet peeve around these championships is how you randomly pair up female superstars to create the illusion of a “race” for the women’s tag gold. No true story of how they come together, no real link or connection.

In the same breath, you break up a team that was made for the women’s tag division; one that had a history, a story, and a fanbase. You break up a tag team that could not only shine in the women’s tag division but truly create a women’s tag division; because right now, there are none on the main roster. Other than the Riott Squad, who also deserve more opportunities and a tag title shot, it feels like female single superstars are tossed in together for a match, with no real creative purpose.

The history and “story” between these two high school BFFs and their journey into wrestling, then NXT, and eventually the main roster, is one that I believe the WWE Universe is still invested in. They’d be incredible on their own if given more TV time and a real storyline, but since the women’s singles division is saturated on all three brands, why not reunite them, and truly create a solid women’s tag division? Especially, heading into year two of the women’s tag gold being introduced, and looking towards WrestleMania 37.

#ReuniteTheIIconics … please (and fast).

