Since joining All Elite Wrestling, Miro, formerly known as Rusev, has been stuck in the mid-card scene as Kip Sabian’s best man.
To be fair, this pairing has delivered some good spots over the past few months. The Arcade Anarchy match was very entertaining. Kip and Penelope’s wedding was fine for what it was. And watching Miro boss around Chuck Taylor while Chuck was serving as Miro’s butler was good for a few laughs.
Now that the blowoff match with The Best Friends has taken place it is time for Miro to be elevated to a spot on the card that is more befitting of his talents, and that is at the top of the card in the main event scene.
Miro and Kip Sabian need to part ways.
Before the needed push of Miro can take place there is one thing that needs to happen. Miro needs a clean split from Kip Sabian.
Kip Sabian is a young and talented performer. But with the landscape of AEW how it currently sits Sabian is perfectly positioned in the mid-card. Keeping Sabian and Miro adjoined will do nothing more than hold Miro back. He will stay mired in the tag team division and be denied the opportunity to be the intense force he should be in the singles division.
AEW missed the perfect opportunity to split these two up after the Arcade Anarchy match. This was a match that Kip wanted. Miro wanted no part of it but agreed to participate for Kip. AEW has done a nice job of building up Miro’s character as one that has a win-at-all-cost mentality, even at the expense of Kip and Penelope. After Kip ate the pinfall to lose the Arcade Anarchy match having Miro go berserk because of the loss and destroy Kip would have been the perfect way to end their partnership.
To keep the former friends out of a program together Kip could have placed all the blame on the Best Friends. Kip and Penelope could have some fine intergender matches with Kris Statlander and any male member of the Best Friends in the coming weeks while Miro moves on to bigger and better things.
The time is now to push Miro to the main event scene.
There are few people in wrestling that can match what Miro brings to the ring. While there are a lot of wrestlers that boast strength, very few people couple that strength with agility and athleticism quite like the Bulgarian Brute does.
Miro’s intensity is also off the charts. When he is in the ring he does a fantastic job of selling that nothing else in the world matters to him at that moment like winning the match does. This is why a program with Orange Cassidy would be so much fun. Both of these wrestlers play their part so well. What Miro brings to the table in intensity Orange Cassidy matches in apathy. Plus, O.C. is popular enough to get Miro some genuine heat when he ultimately goes over O.C. on his way up the card.
In addition to Orange Cassidy, there are a number of other top-tier performers that could have some great matches with Miro. Adam Page does not currently have a program, though it has been hinted at that he may meet up with Kenny Omega soon. Miro and Darby Allin would put on quite a show in a battle for the TNT Title. If Brian Cage continues his secession from Team Tazz a future matchup with Miro would be a great strength vs strength contest.
Miro is a very talented performer that can take almost any role given to him and make it work. And while he could thrive in the mid-card as a comedy act if needed, that is ultimately a waste of the talent that Miro possesses. He needs to start climbing up the singles rankings and make his way into either the AEW or TNT Title contention. The time is now.