Three things that went right at NXT TakeOver: In Your House

WWE NXT superstar Bronson Reed (photo courtesy of WWE)
WWE NXT superstar Bronson Reed (photo courtesy of WWE)

Despite the creative team seemingly cobbling the build to this show together at the last minute, NXT TakeOver: In Your House kept the “these are generally good” streak alive.

Throughout the two-hour event, fans enjoyed the quality in-ring action that WWE’s “alternative” brand has become synonymous with, and, while not for everyone, the nostalgic segments with Todd Pettengill didn’t overstay their welcome.

The show missed the mark in some areas, but plenty of the matches played out the way they were supposed to as well.

These are the three things WWE got right at NXT TakeOver: In Your House.

MSK and, most importantly, Bronson Reed keep their respective titles.

When the NXT creative team booked this Winner-Take-All six-man tag match between MSK, Bronson Reed, and Legado Del Fantasma, it seemed like another case where the writers booked themselves into a corner. Fortunately, they escaped that situation by scripting the correct team to win what was a thrilling opening contest filled with fast-paced action, solid heel work (particularly from Santos Escobar), and a number of cool combo moves.

Considering that the babyfaces accepted a match where they could lose their titles without being pinned or made to submit, a loss here would’ve made them look dumb for playing into the heels’ hands so easily and succumbing to their scheme. Plus, it’s way too soon to have Reed and MSK lose their titles, even to a faction that fans are ready to see in a more prominent spot in the NXT pecking order.

Raquel Gonzalez and Ember Moon’s title match

There is so much to like about the Raquel Gonzalez/Ember Moon NXT Women’s Championship match.

As expected, the two wove a compelling narrative around Moon using her quickness and technique to neutralize Gonzalez’s strength. The creative team made sure to protect Moon’s Eclipse finisher (Moon hit the move and had Gonzalez beat, but Dakota Kai placed Gonzalez’s foot on the ropes to break up the pin). We even got a well-timed run-in by Shotzi Blackheart to even the odds for her tag team partner.

All of these elements combined to create an entertaining championship match between Gonzalez and Moon. Gonzalez winning should have surprised no one — WWE clearly sees her as a potential star in the women’s division — but the journey to that conclusion was fun.

Xia Li builds more credibility

Thus far, the NXT writers have nailed Xi Li’s presentation since repackaging her as a heel as part of this Tian Sha group. Between her attacks on the likes of Kacy Catanzaro and Kayden Carter to her backlog of impressive squash wins, Li has transformed herself into a credible force in the NXT women’s division.

Still green, though, Li’s match with Mercedes Martinez afforded her the chance to show that this gimmick has some staying power beyond jobber matches.

While there were still some concerns — namely the crowd response, though the audience didn’t have much of a rooting interest given that Li and Martinez are heels — Li acquitted herself well against the 21-year pro. She sold and bumped well throughout the contest and her offense mostly matched the level of ferocity that she established in her enhancement matches.

The finish — Li pinning Martinez after hitting a spinning enzugiri to the shoulder — fell slightly flat, but it didn’t dampen Li’s biggest win to date in NXT.