Aleister Black: Where should he show up next in professional wrestling?

WWE, Aleister Black Photo Credit:
WWE, Aleister Black Photo Credit:

Aleister Black was a shocking release, but within a week, rumors are doing rounds that he may be back in the company soon. One cannot decide what would be a good choice for Black, but as the rumors of his return to the WWE increase, let’s look at what would be valuable and what wouldn’t be a choice of value for The Dutch Destroyer.

Black had fans from all styles, and his in-ring skills and promo delivery made him a fan favorite. The Striking Man From Amsterdam never backed down from a story and delivered in a manner that had fans’ attention. His new gimmick clicked with the fans. He did the first move advantage when he kicked Big E in the face and took him out during his Intercontinental match against Apollo Crews and others on Friday Night SmackDown.

It got the world buzzing as the two have never crossed paths, but it came to an abrupt end due to Black’s release. With him joining a promotion soon, let’s look at where he should go and how will it be a win-win situation for both.


If Black does return to the WWE, it raises questions on Vince McMahon’s ability to gauge a superstar’s talent. Talents with extreme caliber got released, and that has baffled the members of the WWE Universe. Black’s return would mean a start of something new where he may face The Fiend or some other superstar that embraces the black and dark genre. Randy Orton will be a good choice, but is his return worth it?

Talk what you may, but Black returning to the WWE will help his character and image as a superstar. Will it help the ratings? Absolutely, but does it leave a dent on WWE management? Of course. Black can return to the WWE, or he has various options waiting for him.

Impact Wrestling

Fans are speculating that he should go to AEW, and we discussed in a previous article how AEW is becoming the dumping ground for WWE superstars and legends, and Black shouldn’t follow the same path. If Black wants to go Extreme, then the brand also has Extreme Originals that can elevate his character to a whole new level.

Impact Wrestling is moving up and has a contract with AEW where superstars can show up on either brand, and it could be a good place for Black. Sami Callihan will be a fitting opponent for him, as will Black Taurus and Crazzy Steve.

All Elite Wrestling

Le Champion Chris Jericho, Jon Moxley, and Miro are already doing good in All Elite Wrestling. Wrestlers from the yesteryears are now a part of AEW, and will it be right to have a promising star amongst others. A new opportunity should assist a superstar to rise, and this opportunity of working with ex-WWE superstars may not be a good idea.

If AEW only wants to pick up WWE’s released superstars, then Black is a good choice, but with so many other places that can benefit from his presence, does he need to invest his time here? If he wants, he can go to some other places where Black will become the company’s face, and his creativity will get the support that he wanted all along.

Ring of Honor

A company like Ring of Honor can benefit from Aleister Black and vice-versa. Ring of Honor needs a name that can shake things up for them, and Black may be the guy. It would take a long time before Black becomes the WWE’s brand image, but here he is, the supreme commander.

His addition to the roster will turn heads, and that’s what Ring of Honor will need at this time. If Daniel Bryan also decides to return to the company that calls him the founding father, expect others to see a dip in their ratings. Bryan and Black can wrestle a broomstick and make it entertaining.

New Japan Pro Wrestling

Daniel Bryan has expressed his desire to work for NJPW, and if Black also reaches there, it would be a spectacle. Rumors are going around that NJPW and WWE are about to finalize a deal, and if that happens, then Black will get the best of both worlds. If one remembers, some superstars moved to AEW and WWE. Despite that move, NJPW is producing quality content.

NJPW has its fanbase, but adding Black to the mix will help fans see some matches that were a wrestling fans’ dream. Okada vs Black or others will raise the bar, and with their caliber, expect nothing but better ratings, superb storylines, and exceptional promos. All in all, Impact, Ring of Honor, and NJPW happen to be a quality choice for Aleister Black, but we will have to wait and see how the situation turns out in the grand scheme of things.

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