The five best tag team matches in NXT TakeOver history

The Undisputed Era's Kyle O'Reilly and Bobby Fish at the Oct. 30, 2019 edition of WWE NXT. Photo:
The Undisputed Era's Kyle O'Reilly and Bobby Fish at the Oct. 30, 2019 edition of WWE NXT. Photo: /

Tag team wrestling has always been something that wrestling fans have loved to watch. It was once a staple in professional wrestling, starting with the 80s wrestling boom that seen legendary teams such as The Midnight Express, The Rock N” Express, and The Road Warriors. In the 90s, Tag team wrestling was still very popular because of teams like The Steiner Brothers, Harlem Heat, Hardy Boyz, Edge, and Christian.

Some of the best tag team wrestling to happen in the WWE have all been on NXT. In this article, I will be discussing the five best tag team title matches in TakeOver history.


When it comes to three-way tag team matches, they can be some of the most fast-paced and action-packed matches when done right. The Revival had classic matches with DIY before, but when Authors of Pain was added to the rivalry, magic happened. This match made fans see that AOP could be considered a serious threat to the NXT tag team division.  This was an important match because it featured three different tag teams who all were on a mission to prove that they are the best.


When it comes to The Revival, many people might say that they had their best matches with American Alpha, but I believe that The Revival had its best feud with DIY because they could tell a story inside of the ring. This was a match that happened in the middle of the show, and it was the best match that night because these two teams truly hated each other. The Revival would win this match, but it was only the beginning of a feud that helped make the NXT tag team division successful.


The Revival and American Alpha opened NXT Takeover: Dallas with a classic match that saw American Alpha beat The Revival. This was an amazing tag team match because it felt like an old-school tag team match from the 90s. This was the perfect tag team rivalry to push both teams to the next level.


The second-best tag-team title match in Takeover History is one of the brand’s most recent matches. The Bruiserweights was a tag team that was put together for the Dusty Rhode Classic, but it turned into something special because of Matt Riddle and Pete Dunne clicking well together. Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly had beaten everyone there was to win in NXT and needed a fresh feud, and Riddle and Dunne were just that. Riddle and Dunne were both entertaining together, but they were able to do in the ring that made them a threat to the tag team division. Riddle and Dunne would win the tag team titles in Portland in a tremendous tag-team matchup.


Anyone who follows wrestling in the United Kingdom already knows that Tyler Bate and Trent Seven are two of the best wrestlers in the world of professional wrestling today. Once, this was an Undisputed Era tag-team title match featuring Roderick Strong and Kyle O’Reilly because Bobby Fish was recovering from injuries. Moustache Mountain and Undisputed Era would feud with each other in 2018, with Moustache Mountain even winning the titles, but Undisputed Era would retain their gold in an amazing match in this match.

Tag team wrestling has an important place in all of wrestling. These are some of the best matches to be seen on the NXT brand and they are must-watch content for not only those who enjoy tag teams, but the best wrestling has to offer.

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