Free Wrestling Promotions You Can Watch on Youtube

JERSEY CITY, NJ - JUNE 03: Joey Ace and Joe Keys battle during Capitol Wrestling Live on June 3, 2017 at Cathedral Hall in Jersey City, New Jersey. (Photo by Elsa/Getty Images)
JERSEY CITY, NJ - JUNE 03: Joey Ace and Joe Keys battle during Capitol Wrestling Live on June 3, 2017 at Cathedral Hall in Jersey City, New Jersey. (Photo by Elsa/Getty Images)

YouTube is a social media platform that doubles as a television network for some. Its accessibility allows it to be operated by anyone who has a video recorder and a publish button. It’s not hard to put stuff on the world’s biggest distraction box. It only makes sense that wrestling has made a home on the multi-billion dollar platform. When YouTube gives wrestling promos the keys to the kingdom, it’s the fans who thrive.

This is my list of four free wrestling promotions you can watch on YouTube. For these to have made my list it had to follow certain requirements.

  • It can’t just be old events or recaps. These have to be new full shows.
  • These promotions have to publish content on a regular basis
  • These promotions can’t be using bait to get us to sign up for cable or a streaming service

For example, AEW Dark is a bait show on YouTube that requires fans to purchase cable TV in order to get the full product. This would be disqualified from the list (also, everybody knows about AEW Dark). MLW, put its main show and special events on YouTube from November 2020 to May 2021. I would like to include it on the list, but the company is going exclusive in the Fall.

Here are some great federations you can catch regularly on YouTube

1. Championship Wrestling from Memphis

Taping Schedule: Weekly, every Saturday

The CWFM is part of an organization called The United Wrestling Network. This company operates in major areas, setting up promotions in Hollywood, Arizona, and Memphis. They recently collaborated with the NWA to make the Prime Time events.

Championship Wrestling from Memphis is about as southern as wrestling can get. The southern drawls and “Sweet Home Alabama” types meet together to wrestle in the back of a Dave and Busters’ Studio.

Most likely, you won’t recognize any of the roster. Heather Monroe is an up-and-coming female wrestler who has made rounds in the indie circuit. It’s glitzy champagne wrestling on a Pabst Blue Ribbon budget. The Gun Show Brett Michaels, Action Jackson, and Alan Steel can be found every week fighting for the Memphis Heritage Championship.

Watchability: 3/5

2. Gatoh Move

Taping Schedule: Weekly, various days

Gatoh Move is probably the most peculiar and quirkiest wrestling show on this list. Imagine if someone rented out a small room in the YMCA and put down a single gym mat. That is the entire setup of Gatoh Move wrestling. Japanese female wrestlers tussle in this minuscule room, using window sills and countertops as turnbuckles, while it’s all caught on a single camera. The paradox is that this show looks like a high school hobby, but treats itself like a fully recognized federation with tournaments and rankings.

On a weekly basis, fans can watch their main show Chocopro. Fans are able to comment in real time as the show is happening. Before the start of the matches, the wrestlers stand together and do team-building cheers to get themselves into it. While the roster is 90% female, Baliyan Akki is a mainstay of Gatoh Move and books himself in many intergender tag team matches. It’s amazing that this niche idea exists and has a stable fanbase of at least 2000.

Watchability: 4/5

3. Coastal Championship Wrestling

Taping Schedule: Weekly, Tuesdays

Have you ever wondered what Bill Alfonso is doing with his time? Wonder no more. He is just one of the roster members of CCW. Any company that uses the same font as ECW used for their title is promising you some over the top action. CCW hails from Florida, providing local Floridians with some of the best grunge wrestling to date. Special guests like Brian Cage and other GCW favorites make frequent visits to wrestle.

One word of advice. The sound equipment in the gym they use is ear destroying. Turn down the sound to zero and enjoy some good ol slobber knocking.

Watchability: 2/5

4. Diana: World Woman Pro Wrestling

Taping Schedule: Monthly

Unlike Gatoh Move, Diana prefers a studio and a ring. This small Joshi wrestling company comes out with monthly shows around Japan. You will need to brush up on your Japanese because the entire show is non-English friendly. Diana has one fixed camera just above the ropes and a side camera they use for rare closeups. The wrestling matches are based in the female wrestling tradition of light combat, entertainment, and beauty.

While this show only airs monthly and most Americans won’t have a clue who is who, the roster is full of talent. I sincerely hope these wrestlers get a chance to grow.

Watchability: 3/5

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