WWE: Matt Riddle and Randy Orton has been a fun angle as we await the turn

WWE, Randy Orton (Photo credit should read AMER HILABI/AFP/Getty Images)
WWE, Randy Orton (Photo credit should read AMER HILABI/AFP/Getty Images)

Since the dawn of the Rock and Sock Connection, WWE has been trying to recreate the magic that was enjoyed by The Rock and Mankind (Mick Foley)—and of course audiences—during their run as a tag team and duo. And even before, WWE was pretty famous for the joining of polar opposites, as in love, opposites attract, and I guess even in the squared circle. And yes…even two people as different as Matt Riddle and Randy Orton.

And so is the case with Matt Riddle and the Legend Killer turned legend himself, Randy Orton. The two were paired up months ago after they faced off in the ring, each of them realizing their potential for chemistry and maybe WWE creative noticed that as well. It has been a riot ever since, and they have risen amongst the ranks over at Raw…delivering epic moment after epic moment to the joy of the Universe.

But what goes up must come down, and like Shawn Michaels sending Marty Jannetty into Brutus Beefcake’s Barbershop display window, one of these two can surely expect a betrayal, and with the likes of ‘The Viper’ Randy Orton slithering not too far behind Riddle’s scooter, if I were Riddle, I’d have my head on a swivel for sure; because there could be a devastating RKO waiting around the next dark corner. No matter how soon or how far off that may be, it is imminent, to say the least.

I don’t see the angle not being allowed to gain quite a bit more steam, though as we move forward. Randy has taken some time off, but it’s obvious that the angle hasn’t been abandoned, as Riddle still mentions him in promos. If the angle had been discarded, Riddle would be talking about anything else…maybe even tagging with his good friend, Damian Priest, but they seem to be holding off on that for a reason that seems quite apparent.

When Randy does make his return, it isn’t impossible that RK-Bro reaches and attains that brass ring that all tag teams reach for in the tag division on Raw, and of course, that ring would be none other than those tag team belts. They should enjoy a good run as tag team champs, Randy perhaps crediting the win to his guidance of Riddle, and the fact that Riddle has listened to him and kept his mouth zipped up for the most part.

Maybe they eventually lose the titles and all because Riddle didn’t listen to Randy’s words and/or in any other capacity, really, as it doesn’t take much to set Randy off, as we’ve seen in the past.

But enough of the storyline writing, as we should leave that up to WWE creative and hope that they do this storyline justice all the way through and not abandon it before the proper story has been told.

But the day that they do turn, it’ll be something that should be done at one of their major shows and SummerSlam would surely be way too soon. But if they can hold off for WrestleMania season, it would be a perfect time for an angle like this; with perhaps even a turn at Elimination Chamber or earlier. But if they can’t wait, Survivor Series and perhaps the Rumble are just as good, I guess.

Riddle got his start in the world of Mixed Martial Arts on The Ultimate Fighter; he went on to fight for UFC, Bellator MMA and Titan FC before turning to a career in professional wrestling. His record in Mixed Martial Arts was 8 wins (1 by KO, 1 by Submission), 3 losses and 2 no-contests, which is better than most that make their way down that very same path after a career in pro wrestling, which is the opposite for what Riddle has done, he following in the footsteps of those that turned to pro wrestling once he’d tasted some fame in MMA.

Despite his record, which wasn’t perfect, as stated above, Riddle was a dominant force as he competed in the world of Mixed Martial Arts, and evidently dangerous, as can be seen in the video below. It makes me think that Randy maybe has some competition in the unpredictability department…

Of the pro wrestlers who turned to MMA after a pro wrestling career, and after Brock Lesnar, perhaps Jake Hager is on the path to having an impressive run in MMA—all the while still wrestling over at AEW— but that’s a story for another time.

Randy Orton really needs no introduction, as his 19 years or so in the professional wrestling industry have been peppered with highs, lows, and in his professional and personal life, but he always rose to the top of the wrestling industry and in his personal life…Randy Orton certainly came a long way.

And when the conversation comes up for who were the top guys in the Ruthless Aggression Era of professional wrestling, Randy is definitely in the conversation and if you ask me, he’s in the top two slots with John Cena, who for me takes that number one spot.

As we learned from what happened last year when Rated RKO had reunited, Randy will turn on anyone, so Riddle should definitely watch his back…as I’ve already mentioned. Reiterating this point seems necessary when it comes to ‘The Viper.’

But wherever they go from here, it’s safe to assume when it comes to entertainment—wrestling entertainment that is—and whether we’re enthusiastically screaming at the screen, shocked or just in awe…these two certainly have something planned for the Universe we’re not likely to soon forget.