Brian Johnson has quickly become “The Mecca” of Ring of Honor since signing with the company. Johnson was a member of the first class of the new ROH Dojo back in 2018. Since then, he has competed in the Top Prospect Tournament even being named the number one seed back in 2019.
The Beginning of “The Mecca” Brian Johnson
Growing up, Johnson’s brother and father were both professional wrestling fans. “As they grew up they grew out of it like everyone else and I just kind of stayed hooked,” said Johnson. “Ever since I could remember I watched it and just eat, slept, and breathed it.”
Brian Johnson recalled seeing Stone Cold live at Wrestlemania 15 against The Rock. “That was a pivotal moment. I thought he was awesome.” That moment stuck with Johnson and was a big reason he got into wrestling.
When Brian Johnson got older he began taking the next steps to become a professional wrestler. This was something he has wanted to do since he was a kid. “I did what anyone else would do, I researched places close by and tried to get into one that would take me and I started training at 16 right out the gate in high school.”
When he started training, Johnson recalls being “more anxious than nervous.” “Butterflies instead of worries,” says Johnson. The tryout wasn’t a “hard break your neck” type of tryout, according to Johnson. “It was pretty basic stuff and a sit-down interview. I was signed up and ready to start by the next week.” Brian Johnson wrestled all over for 10+ years, prior to signing with Ring of Honor. Come 2018, that would change.
Brian Johnson Brings The Mecca To Ring Of Honor
Brian Johnson signed with Ring of Honor back in 2018 to become a part of the first class of the new ROH Dojo. “It was unbelievable and a dream come true,” says Johnson. “I’m sure a lot of these bozos would come onto these interviews and say the same thing but I guess it’s true. We busted our butt in that dojo and it was vindicating to sign with them.”
Since signing with ROH, Johnson has truly become “The Mecca” of the company. But it wasn’t easy. “It sucked,” says Johnson. “I wanted to be number one. The top prospect tournament should have been mine and Jeff Cobb interrupted me, and Dak Draper was given an ice-cream walk. It pissed me off.”
In 2018, Brian Johnson faced off with Dante Caballero in the Top Prospect Tournament. That match went to no-contest as Jeff Cobb would get involved, this pissed off Brian Johnson even more. “I worked at it. I stuck around and got another shot in the Top Prospect Tournament and things didn’t go my way. I was honored but disappointed quickly.”
Back in July of this year, Johnson teamed up with PJ Black to take on The Briscoes at “Survival of the Fittest.” Unfortunately, his team came up short. However, Brian Johnson made a quick note to say that he wasn’t the one who was pinned, PJ Black was. “The Mecca locomotive slows down sometimes but it is still rolling.”
Brian Johnson vs EC3 at Glory By Honor
On Friday, August 20th in Night One of “Glory By Honor,” Brian Johnson will have arguably the biggest match of his young Ring of Honor career as he takes on EC3. “He’s a clown,” says Johnson. “However, I’d be stupid if I sat here and ran him into the ground. He’s been worldwide and is known all over. You can’t say that about me, yet. I know he’s coming prepared and I know this match is one of the biggest challenges ones for me.”
Facing EC3 is going to be arguably the biggest test in Brian Johnson’s young career. Johnson knows that he is “THE essential character.” However, Johnson also is not backing down. “It’s easy to point out while he’s an essential character, he’s also an essential bozo.”
However, working with EC3 is going to be essential for Brian Johnson’s career. “It puts a whole bunch of eyes on my match,” says Johnson. “People are going to see someone who they don’t even know the name of, steamroll over EC3. I will make them remember my name.”
This match is more than just a match for Brian Johnson. Recently an article got published on Ring of Honor’s site about the current World Title picture. EC3’s name was mentioned, but Brian Johnson’s wasn’t. “I was pissed off so much, that I’m talking to you about it because nobody in ROH would listen,” says Johnson.
What’s Next For The Mecca?
When asked about who is next for The Mecca, two names came to Brian Johnson’s head. Jay Lethal and Jonathan Gresham. Also, Brian Johnson wants to wrestle whoever is the Ring of Honor World Champion. “I want to go down as one of the all-time greats and I will hold that championship in order to do just that.”
For more news about Brian Johnson, Ring of Honor, and professional wrestling stick to Daily DDT.