The AEW Revolution fallout continues on Rampage.
Darby Allin w/Sting vs. Marq Quen w/ Isiah Kassidy
Allin kept control of Quen’s arm early on and kept him down on the mat with headlocks. Quen was able to get Allin in a hammerlock, but he was tossed to the outside. Allin set up for a drop, but Kassidy ran out in front of him. Quen threw Allin into the steps in front of Sting. Inside the ring, Quen threw Allin onto the top rope. He kept focusing on Allin’s mid-section. Quen had Allin in the corner and punched him repeatedly in the stomach.
.@DarbyAllin and @Marq_Quen come flying off the top!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 12, 2022
Watch #AEWRampage on @tntdrama right now!
Allin held onto the bottom rope and Quen jumped on his knee. Quen had Allin in an abdominal stretch once he got him on his feet. Allin countered with a hip toss. Quen had his opponent in a front face lock, but Allin used the rope to hurt Quen. Quen pulled Allin’s leg out from under him.
A brutal attack to the ribs of @DarbyAllin by #AFO's @Marq_Quen!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 12, 2022
Watch #AEWRampage on @tntdrama right now!
During picture-in-picture, Quen continued punching Allin in the corner. Allin started to get momentum, but quickly lost it. After the break, Allin hit a superplex. He followed it up with a front face lock. Quen hit him the a back flipping knee drop. Once again in the corner, Quen kicked Allin in the stomach several times. Quen hit him with a back flipping flatliner. Quen pulled Allin into a vertical suplex, but Allin put him in a Scorpion deathlock.
Allin went for a Coffin Drop, but Kassidy distracted him. Sting put Kassidy into the table, but distracted Allin. Quen hit him with a 450 Splash on the outside. Allin got back in the ring just in time to beat the count. Quen attempted a pin. Quen went up top again and went for a Shooting Star Press, but Allin stood up and caught him in a Fujiwara armbar to make him tap.
.@Sting with the distraction but then @DarbyAllin gets tossed to the outside! Watch #AEWRampage on @tntdrama right now!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 12, 2022
A.F.O. came out, but the Hardy Boyz quickly came out to a nice pop.
It's @MATTHARDYBRAND and @JEFFHARDYBRAND here at #AEWRampage coming to the aid of @Sting and @DarbyAllin! Tune in to TNT right now!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 12, 2022
Allin wins via submission
Will @realwardlow be another footnote for TNT Champion @ScorpioSky's winning streak? We find out next WEDNESDAY on #AEWDynamite St. Patrick's Day Slam LIVE from San Antonio, TX!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 12, 2022
Tune in NOW to #AEWRampage on TNT!
#HouseOfBlack knows your secrets... Which means the House knows your truth. #AEWRampage
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 12, 2022
Mercedes Martinez vs. Jamie Hayter w/Britt Baker and Rebel
They didn’t get an entrance and the bell rang after the HOB promo. They traded side headlocks and holds. Martinez put Hayter in a scissor headlock, but Hayter got out of it. They locked up again and Martinez nearly backed Hayter into the corner, when Hayter turned her into the ropes. Martinez got Hayter into the next corner and punched her. Hayter hit her with a shoulder tackle but Martinez got her to the mat. Martinez followed up with right hands.
.@RealMMartinez and @jmehytr going at it on #AEWRampage!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 12, 2022
Tune in to @tntdrama to right now!
In picture-in-picture, Hayter took control. While in the corner, Baker was talking trash to Martinez. Martinez briefly got some offense in.
After the break, Martinez regained control and nearly pinned Hayter. They reversed moves and Hayter hit Martinez with a backbreaker. Hayter unleashed right hands and hit Martinez hard in the jaw. Martinez threw Hayter over the head into the corner. On the turnbuckle, Martinez nailed her with a spider German suplex. Rebel distracted the ref so Baker could hit Martinez repeatedly. Hayter hit Martinez with a lariat to get a pin.
And a huge lariat by @jmehytr to steal the victory! Watch #AEWRampage on TNT right now!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 12, 2022
After the match, all three circled Martinez when Thunder Rosa ran down with a chair to make them scatter.
And @thunderrosa22 is here to make a statement ahead of her steel cage match with champ Dr. @realbrittbaker for the #AEW Women's Championship next week on #AEWDynamite! Watch #AEWRampage on TNT right now!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 12, 2022
Jamie Hayter wins via pinfall
.@shidahikaru did not forget about @serenadeeb for a moment while she was away and has a few choice words for her nemesis...
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 12, 2022
Tune in NOW to #AEWRampage on TNT!
Keith Lee vs. QT Marshall w/Aaron Solo and Nick Comoroto
Fresh off his first Rampage win, Lee looked to improve to 2-0 on the show. Marshall didn’t get an entrance and is coming off a loss against HOOK. Lee basked in the glory of the fans basking in his glory. This angered Marshall and Lee chopped him. Lee had Marshall down on the mat, when Marshall poked him in the eye. Lee headbutted him before yeeting him across the ring.
And @RealKeithLee throwing QT corner to corner here on #AEWRampage on TNT right now!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 12, 2022
Marshall pulled Lee over the top rope and hit him with a dropkick. While Lee was on his knees, Marshall hit Lee with forearms. Lee turned Marshall inside out with a lariat. Lee had Marshall on his shoulders and Comoroto grabbed Lee’s leg while Solo distracted the ref. Marshall tried for the Diamond Cutter, but Marshall pounced him with a shoulder tackle. Lee followed up with a slam for the win.
Solo jumped on Lee’s back. Comoroto and Lee exchanged blows, but Lee hit him with a back elbow and power bombed him. Lee tossed Solo on the outside onto Marshall and Comoroto. Starks and Hobbs left commentary and Hobbs hit Lee with a spine buster.
.@RealKeithLee with the victory tonight but members of #TheFactory aren't ready to accept the result of this match! Watch #AEWRampage on TNT right now!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 12, 2022
#TeamTaz with the assault on @RealKeithLee after the bell! Watch #AEWRampage on TNT right now!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 12, 2022
Keith Lee wins via pinfall
Isiah “Swerve” Scott vs. Tony Nese
Swerve and Nese have history from their days on 205 Live. Nese hasn’t been beaten in 2022.
The fans chanted “Swerve’s house”, much to Nese’s chagrin. Nese went for a collar and elbow, but Swerve stepped out of the way. Swerve got Nese down to the mat, but Nese got back up with wrist control. Swerve reversed with an arm drag and hip toss.
Nese forced a rope break. Nese got him in the corner a couple times. Swerve hit Nese with a dropkick in the side of the face. Nese held the rope down and Swerve went over it, landing on his feet. Swerve hit Nese with a heel kick on the apron and dropped Nese to the ground. Nese threw the apron over Swerve and then kicked him.
.@swerveconfident with impressive athleticism in this main event of #AEWRampage! Tune into TNT right now!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 12, 2022
In picture-in-picture, Nese threw Swerve into the steps and then back into the ring. Nese hit him with right hands. Swerve got in some offense before getting dropkicked in the chest. Nese threw Swerve out of the ring. Back in the ring, Swerve regained control momentarily. Nese kept Swerve in a body scissors around the waist.
After the break, Swerve reigned down forearms. The two exchanged blows. Swerve rolled through and Nese uppercut him. Nese took Swerve over the top rope. Nese went for a moonsault but came up empty. Swerve chopped Nese and then hit him with an uppercut from the top rope. Swerve popped up Nese and then deadlifted him into a brainbuster. Nese kicked out, so Swerve went to the top.
Nese knocked him down with an uppercut. He had Swerve in a fireman’s carry and dropped the AEW newcomer onto his knees. Nese went for a running knee, but Swerve rolled through. Nese kicked Swerve in the face with a spinning heel kick and followed with 450 Splash.
The #PremierAthlete @tonynese showing why he is the Premier Athlete with a picture perfect 450! #AEWRampage is on TNT right now!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 12, 2022
Swerve kicked Nese in the neck and chopped him. Nese put him in a pump handle, but Swerve reversed it. On the apron, Swerve hit him with a thrust kick followed by a foot stomp. Swerve hit Nese with heel kick and stomped him from the top rope to get his first win in AEW.
And @swerveconfident captures his first #AEW victory in his impressive debut! What a night of action it's been on #AEWRampage on TNT! See you next week at #AEWDynamite LIVE in San Antonio!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) March 12, 2022
Swerve wins via pinfall
Programming note: next week’s Rampage will air live at 11:30 PM ET.