Three names to help return positive light to the AEW TNT Championship


AEW continues to do a strong job of booking its champions as credible title holders. These individuals aren’t losing matches, clinging to belts just until the next name comes along, only to go through the same situation. The TNT Championship is considered the company’s “work rate” belt, however, it’s hit a bit of a snag with recent champions. Fans may not be excited to see Sammy Guevara holding the belt, as there are other names that can help return the title to what it was a brief time ago. Here are three names that can be used to reestablish the TNT title in AEW.


Do you like high-intensity matches that run at 100 miles per hour? Do you like wrestlers that consistently find new types of offense that leave you wondering how they physically pulled it off? Then PAC is your type of wrestler. Even though PAC has not held AEW gold of any kind at this point, he’s still well-booked and protected, so fans would believe in a sudden title run. Putting the title around his waist would be the right move to help boost the championship for an extended period of time.

Imagine men like Kyle O’Reilly, Buddy Matthews, Powerhouse Hobbs, and others attempting to take it off his waist. All those matches would be exceptional and there’s a myriad more available on the roster. Making PAC a TNT Champion would be the right step to re-insert him into important angles within AEW.

Eddie Kingston

Eddie Kingston is the man fans love to cheer for. In many ways, he embodies elements of what made Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Mick Foley popular during the Attitude Era. He’s battling against everyone ahead of him, plus his own demons along the way. Kingston is a strong example of what professional wrestling needs, as he’s the “everyman” that fans can relate to if they so choose.

There are many that feel the TNT Championship started to lose its luster when Kingston failed to defeat Miro at All Out in 2021. While hindsight is always 20-20, Miro was amid a great title run of his own, and fans were still behind Guevara who was expected to be the next champion. However, Kingston should be built back into that challenger position, and making him the man to take the belt next would be the story to get fans out of their seats.

Malakai Black

Malakai Black is just waiting in the wings, ready for a bigger push. Everything about his arrival in AEW has worked so far, building him in the fashion fans hoped they’d see while he was in the WWE. The presentation, music, and addition of Brody King and Buddy Matthews have helped build his stature. Plus, he comes off as a star whenever he’s in action or on the microphone.

With Black at the helm, holding the TNT Championship, it would be interesting to see name after name throws themselves at the trio in hopes of getting that championship off his waist, only to reach the final boss and fail.