Virtual Basement has been working on The Wrestling Code for over two years. This labor of love will have over 100 indie and open contract wrestlers. I can think of at least ten that get me super excited.
But first. Here is a development teaser for The Wrestling Code.
10. Willow Nightingale
An indie female wrestler that is making a name for herself on the indie circuit, MLW and AEW. She is inches away from being the next Sasha Banks or Bianca Belair.
Finisher: Fisherman Suplex
Notable Match: Willow Nightingale vs. Max Caster
9. The Alpha Female
The Alpha Female is someone you hear about and wonder if she could be the next Chyna. She is a power house and a household name in indie wrestling. She was picked up by NXT UK in 2020, but she can be found all over the US and UK circuits.
Finisher: The Omega Plex
Notable Match: Alpha Female vs. ODB
8. Trey Miguel
Trey Miguel is one of my favorite reasons to watch IMPACT! Wrestling. He has reignited the X-division and continues to perform spots that elevate his opponents and him. I cannot wait to see his move set.
Finisher: Hourglass submission, Meteora, Yoshi Tonic
Notable Match: Trey Miguel vs. Alex Shelley
7. Brian Cage
When The Cyborg was announced, I was excited that Brian Cage would get his first video game. I am not sure he is going to be featured in the AEW game. The Wrestling Code has made a wise choice to feature him.
Finisher: The Drill Claw
Notable Match: Brian Cage versus Rey Fenix
6. Killer Kelly
Kelly’s short reign as ROH Women’s Champion may not have caught the attention of the masses, but she has redefined herself as a MMA machine that shows no mercy in the ring. I hope she is a day one release for The Wrestling Code.
Finisher: Super Kick, Bicycle Kick
Notable Match: Toni Storm vs. Killer Kelly
5. Taynara Conti
Taya is hotter than Spain in the Summer and twice as deadly. It’s amazing that The Wrestling Code nabbed her, while she was a free agent.
Finisher: Step-Up Rolling Armbar
Notable Match: Tay Conti vs. Hikaru Shida
4. Eli Drake
Oh, you mean LA Knight? He already got a game on WWE. Not as Eli Drake. The Wrestling Code is going to present him as his non-WWE persona. I always thought Eli could replace The Rock with all the charisma and confidence that drips from him.
Finisher: The Gravy Train
Notable Match: Eli Drake vs. Johnny Impact
3. Diamond Dallas Page
The last bright spot of WCW and everyone’s favorite yoga guru has helped a lot with the mocap of this game. He is definitely going to be used for an ambulance match against Brian Cage.
Finisher: Diamond Cutter (duh!)
Notable Match: DDP vs Randy Savage
2. Raven
Truth be told, we have not seen Raven in a decent wrestling game since 2001. He invented gutter punk wrestling and had one of the most brutal rivalries with Tommy Dreamer. The Wrestling Code also made him some awesome theme music.
Finisher: Raven Effect DDT
Notable Match: Raven vs. Tommy Dreamer
1. Kurt Angle
Kurt Angle is the cream of the crop. He has blessed The Wrestling Code with his presence and his mocap talents. I will definitely put him in some 1v1 matches with Scott Steiner.
Finisher: The Angle Lock, The Olympic Slam
Notable Match: Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar
Like stated earlier, The Wrestling Code has over 100 wrestlers. Its release date will be somewhere in 2023 (they have been hyping this game since 2020). The game will be for Xbox Series X, PS5, and PC. Here are some other notable wrestlers you can play as.
Dalton Castle, Kenny King, The Headbangers, Gangrel, RVD, EC3, Erik Redbeard, Crowbar, Alex Shelley, Caprice Coleman, Ken Shamrock, Justin Credible, Jeff Cobb, Lance Storm, Little Spike Dudley, Marko Stunt, Matt Sydal, Ultimo Dragon, Kidd Bandit
Angelina Love, Delmi Exo, Ashley Vox, Christi Jaynes, Lady Frost, Daffney, Holidead, Thunder Rosa, Solo Darling, Velvet Sky, ODB, Jazz