Roman Reigns’s dominance is something of legend that fans will talk about for generations to come. One of the biggest topics of debate is who will be the man to unseat him. There are a lot of different suggestions across the spectrum, but one name that many fans continue to come back to is Jey Uso. After looking at the entire arc to date of the Tribal Chief, it has become clear that it must be his cousin that brings an end to his time at the top.
Other than Paul Heyman, Jey Uso is the only other individual that has been there for the entire run that Reigns is currently enjoying. Even though he started out on the other side of the ring, these two have worked exceptionally well together. From foe to family, there are consistent hints that Jey is heading back to the category of the foe, whether it’s by his own decision or not.
The September 23 edition of WWE SmackDown was yet another example. Reigns cut into Jey delivering his catchphrase with nothing more than a hand gesture and a slight look. From there, Jey spiraled as Sami Zayn was given an Honorary Uce t-shirt as fans showered him with praise. For months, in every segment involving The Bloodline, Jey’s snarl has progressively become bigger – to the point where it is taking over his entire visage.
Jey has the look of a little brother that wants to punch his older brother in the face but doesn’t because he knows the wrath that follows. What’s different is this is professional wrestling, and this industry is built upon those explosive moments.
Will WWE pull the trigger on such a moment, and if so, how will they pull it off? Many expect that Cody Rhodes will be the one to defeat Reigns. If he returns during The Royal Rumble and picks up the win, only to head into WrestleMania against Reigns, then that seems to be the moment to do the job. Seeing Rhodes defeat Reigns potentially lessens the impact if Jey was to pull off the same thing. What if Jey has some sort of involvement in the match that causes Reigns to lose? Reigns have depended on them to win multiple times during his championship arc, so seeing Jey say “no” and leave his cousin there to his fate would have a huge reaction, regardless of if they were to get physical or not.
And when it comes to creating stars, putting a singles championship around Jey Uso’s waist in this manner would elevate him to a level that few even dreamed.
Roman Reigns versus Jey Uso carried WWE through the horrible ThunderDome era. Seeing Jey rise, just to get beat down again was some of the best content WWE put together in years. Jey excelled in the role too, letting people know he could carry a run as “Main Event” Jey Uso. If Reigns is to go down, perhaps he is the main one to finally get the job done.