Dominick Dijakovic is doing his best work in WWE NXT


Dominick Dijakovic is a prime example of stars excelling when back in NXT to build their character and in-ring work. 

WWE NXT serves an interesting place within WWE. On one hand, it’s the land where new names measure their talent to see if they are ready for the promotion. On the other, it’s a brand where main roster talent can get a new coat of paint and stretch their wings. The latter is especially true about Dominik Dijakovic, who since returning to NXT has been a character among characters.

Dijak is heading to NXT Deadline to take part in the Iron Survivor. This is yet another match that keeps him near the top of the card, even though he may be one of those individuals who never gets a title run of his own. Regardless, Dijak’s run in WWE has shown that he remains a consistent performer and someone who if given the opportunity could do some special things either atop NXT or as a mid-card title holder on the main roster.

Let’s look back at his catalog of matches for some examples that stand out. Of course, the match he had with Ilja Dragunov back in May was one of the best matches seen this year. It embodied a level of violence best befitting of a last-man-standing match. Then there are several well-received entries against the likes of Wes Lee, Keith Lee, Oney Lorcan, and plenty of others both in and out of WWE. Dijak can go in the ring and it’s high time that fans embraced that point.

Dijak’s character work is also a testament to someone who has fully committed to the gimmick. Every time he’s out in the ring viewers can almost expect him to step out of a time door like this is the first Terminator. While some may see it as cringe or campy, his commitment to his gimmick is exactly the type of performance that works in NXT. It would be interesting to see him become a major foil for Dragunov as champion. Baron Corbin is currently in that role, but few expect him to take the championship from around his waist.

Dominick Dijakovic may not be a candidate to be a world championship and fans aren’t clamoring to see him with the gold. But he’s still doing excellent work in WWE NXT and deserves to be praised for his commitment and ability to step up in big spots when asked. He’s a talented performer and one that can go under the radar even as his abilities continue to shine.