While WrestleMania is usually the focal point of WWE each year, it’s the Royal Rumble that brings the most excitement to the table. The countdown and the surprise of a superstar’s music hitting is one of the moments that make professional wrestling special. Imagine if at the 2024 edition of the show, there’s a countdown followed by a big return that’s not just a shock to the roster, but an emotional success as well. That is what a Big E return would mean for WWE.
Big E’s last match was back on March 11, when he suffered a catastrophic neck injury. Wrestling media outlets continue to ask him about his injury, recovery, and potential return. With each response he mentions that not only if there is no timeline, but there’s no promise that he will come back.
“I wish I had more information for you. Right now, there’s just really no timeline,” Big E said back in November while speaking on Busted Open Radio (via WrestlingInc). “I’ve been to a few different doctors who have looked over my scans and whatnot. I don’t have any issues right now. Initially, they told me three months, so I thought three months and I’ll be back to wrestling, but things ended up being more complex.”
First and foremost, Big E’s health and wellness are most important. While fans miss him in the ring and his personality on camera, it is more important that he can live the life he deems necessary for himself. His comments also hinted at that change in thought.
“I started wrestling when I was 23, and at the time, honestly,..’If I die in the ring, doing what I love, so be it.’ But I’m 27 now, and you see life differently, and you have other things to think about. I’m just trying to make the best decision for myself and for my health moving forward.”
Seeing Big E healthy is the priority. But what if he does return to the ring and does so at the Rumble? Set the stage with Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods already in the ring, and then the New Day’s theme hits for the third time. Big E’s iconic introduction would be more than enough to bring the crowd in attendance and those watching around the world to their feet. Think back to Adam Copeland’s surprise return and that is the type of reaction he would get walking through the curtain. He’d single-handily change the trajectory of momentum behind WWE’s main roster picture. It’s already overcrowded, but the support Big E already controlled before the injury coupled with the emotion of a moment like this would push him over the top.
The WWE Royal Rumble is a big ordeal that holds the interest of wrestling fans around the world. The excitement for massive surprise returns keeps fans in their seats from start to finish. If there is a return that fans want to see in 2024 it is none other than Big E and that would be the moment that blows the roof off the industry.