Independent wreslter Reyhan Inteus on opportunities with ASÉ Wrestling and the story behind "Cream Pie Papi"

Reyhan Inteus discussed several topics with Samantha Schipman
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ASÉ Wrestling has had three shows since December 2023 and has announced their next show for June 22. Across the shows, Darius Lockhart has booked a variety of wrestlers from established names such as Keira Hogan, Aja Kong, and Sonny Kiss. He has also booked up-and-coming talents such as Kevin Knight and Yahya. One of those talents is Reyhan Inteus. Inteus has been part of each ASÉ show.

I had the opportunity to speak with Inteus (pronounced On-tay-us) prior to ASÉ COSMOS. We talked about ASÉ wrestling, the meaning behind his "Cream Pie Papi" moniker, and more

Inteus is an ASÉ original and has been involved in each show so far. "It means the world. Darius and I trained together at Highspots when we were coming up, so we got really close. He shared his vision of ASÉ a while ago. You hear guys saying all the time things they're gonna do. You hope it comes to fruition, but a lot of times it doesn't unfortunately. Seeing it coming to fruition and seeing it aligning with what he wanted it to stand for has just meant the world."

"I feel like there's opportunities for people who aren't really getting eyes on them. He could've come in and made it about himself. He's choosing to make it about everybody instead of making it about himself. So it means a lot to me because I've worked for a lot of promoters that are real self-centered and don't see the big picture. It's refreshing to be somewhere where there's a bigger picture."

One example of the 'bigger picture' is working with For The Culture. At this year's FTC show, Lockhart was the special guest referee for the main event between Billy Dixon and Darius Carter. While they've had an ongoing feud, it has spilled over into ASÉ and they will be facing each other at the next show.

Working with an established brand like FTC "sets a good standard to let people know that although it's something different, it's not exclusive. It's a show that's meant for everybody. So if it's meant for everybody, you're going to have to be able to work with everyone. I think that's kind of what that represented. We're going to support people who have similar causes we're trying to represent. I think it opens up the possibility of working with other promotions, which I think is pretty cool."

Being involved in every show means that he has plans for Inteus. "He has some ideas. We've talked about some of the ideas that he's thinking of going down routes with. I get excited about stuff because it means you're giving me considerations, you're giving me some legs to kind of run with and if you're giving me the opportunity, then it's on me at that point. I've been asking for opportunities for years and he's actually giving them to me. He puts me in front of the camera regularly. "

"He told me form jumpstreet it's not always going to be a match because we've got so many people we're trying to use and I understand that. But him knowing that I'm not going to wrestle on a certain show and being like, 'I want you in front of the camera so that people are familiar with you when your match does come' speaks volumes. "

In Inetus's first ASÉ match, he was a member of Team North Carolina versus Team Georgia. It's still a match that fans are talking about, particularly when Team North Carolina was swag surfing on the stage. That moment signified that ASÉ was something different.

"It makes me feel like we did something right. At the end of the day, you can get into wrestling for whatever reason you want to get into it, but as a wrestler, your goal is to entertain the people who are watching the product. So if I give them a moment whether it's wrestling, whether it an entrance, whether it's a promo, whether it's me throwing cream pies at people, whatever the moment is if you're still talking about it three, four shows later, I did what I was supposed to do. That's the thing. You know, you'll get people online, 'We didn't see you do a lot of moves in the match', but you remembered my entrance, right?"

Becoming the "Cream Pie Papi"

Recently, Inteus has had a new twist during his matches that involves oatmeal cream pies. This usually means forcing his opponent to eat one during their match. In some cases, Inteus is like a mama bird feeding its baby. Naturally, I asked how such a thing came about.

"It started off as a joke. You follow me on Twitter, you know sometimes I put out some pretty suspect tweets. They're not meant to be -- they just -- slip of a brain, and I am very comfortable with myself and I'm not going to delete it. It is what it is. If you want to have a laugh at me, have a laugh at me, fine."

"I made a tweet one morning. I have this real weird thing about my hair. I've never been able to grow out my hair as a child because of my family's religious beliefs. So I did what I wanted to do. I don't know how to tie it though, a ponytail is the best I have. I was looking at an old picture where a friend had put my hair up in like a little pineapple and I was like, 'I like that look, but I don't know how to do it.'"

"So I put on Twitter that I had just bought a box of oatmeal cream pies and it was going into WrestleMania weekend. So I put, 'if somebody can put my hair in a pineapple, I'll give you a cream pie." Not even thinking, 'you should probably put oatmeal.' You've seen my Twitter, so I say some outrageous stuff. So people automatically go to the outrageous thought. So I was like, 'you know what? Fine. We're going to lean into it.'"

"At Wrestlecade, I'm just going to go buy a bunch of cream pies and take video of me asking people if they want a cream pie and throwing the cream pie to them. And it got over for some reason. I was like, 'it's just a wekeend thing, cool.' I went home and (fellow wrestler) James Johnson put up a Facebook post talking about they're going to have to call you the "Cream Pie Papi" after this weekend. And I was like, I love that!"

Someone made a joke about Inteus making his own entrance music and he took up the challenge. The song being played at ASÉ COSMOS nearly got him in trouble with Big Swole. Inteus made the song available on Apple Music, Spotify, and YouTube

When asked about how his opponents feel about being given cream pies, Inteus replied, “the greatest thing about it is we live in a world where a lot of men have spent their time making women feel uncomfortable with the things they say and do. So this is kind of me giving men a taste of their own medicine. That’s the reason why I make some of the outrageous comments in the videos and make it sound...I want you to feel uncomfortable.”

“The thing is a lot of the guys I wrestle are really good people and they’re not insensitive towards people for their sexuality, orientation, or things like that. So a lot of them are really receptive to it until I tell them how the cream pie gets in their mouth. And they’re just like, ‘you gotta do it that way?’ (laughs) The point is to make it feel uncomfortable, so yeah, I do have to do it that way. Unless it’s one of those old-school promotions that are very close-minded, then I don’t put it mouth to mouth, I stick it in. The idea is to poke fun at guys kind of, a little bit. Playfully give them a taste of our own medicine.”

Inteus points out that Lockhart has been giving people the opportunity to get to know him as a person. “It’s always a good time.” For the fans that don’t know Inteus, he says “we’re on Year Nine of me being in the business. The one thing you should know is that Reyhan is just one side of the coin. It’s a multi-sided coin. Coming into the business, a lot of people were introduced to Montana (Black) originally. That was the first side of the coin. He was a monster and that’s his persona. Reyhan is more of me. The character of Reyhan, the personality of Reyhan is what you would’ve gotten if you had met me prior to wrestling. There are a few more that are going to show up over the next couple of months that are going to make things really interesting.”

“The idea is, prior to wrestling I watched this Robin Williams movie called “Fisher King”. It’s about this guy that’s going through the trauma of losing his wife and he has a personality disorder, which is something I’ve always kind of been intrigued by. There was a video game I grew up playing was about a guy who suffers from Dissociative Personality Disorder. It’s multiple personalities inhabiting one person and none of them are aware of each other. They’re aware of one presence, but not of the other presences.” 

Inteus also reference’s the movie “Split”. “You’re going to start to see other personalities show up. They’re all parts of me, they’re just different things I find interesting, but they’re over accentuated. It’s going to make for some interesting stuff.”

Follow Inteus on Twitter and Instagram.  ASÉ Wrestling can be found on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.

If you use any quotes from this interview, please H/T Daily DDT and credit Samantha Schipman.