WWE TLC Predictions: Rusev vs. Jack Swagger for the United States Championship


At WWE TLC, Jack Swagger gets another chance at being the first man to knock Rusev down a peg, but unlike their battles over the summer, this time, the United States Championship is on the line.

This rivalry was reignited a few weeks ago, when Rusev attacked Zeb Colter backstage, breaking his leg in the process. Since then, Rusev and Swagger have had a few emotional brawls, with Swagger looking good and getting the crowd behind him.

Will Swagger finally be able to take Rusev down? Rob Wolkenbrod, Callum Wiggins, Brian Rzeppa, Carl Gac, and Mike Smith have some predictions:

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Rob’s Take: WWE is looking to recreate the solid program that Swagger and Rusev had a few months ago, except with the US title on the line this time around.

Unfortunately for Swagger, this will probably be a case of déjà vu. I suspect he’ll pass out to Rusev, who will move onto bigger and better things during WrestleMania season.

Rob’s Prediction: Rusev

Callum’s Take: Due to the previous battles between Rusev and Jack Swagger, I’m really looking forward to what they can accomplish in this match, especially with the US Title on the line. Rusev has grown in leaps and bounds since debuting earlier this year, his mix of power and athletic kicks have resulted in some great matches with the likes of Swagger, Big E and Sheamus throughout the year. He is climbing up the ranks, but Swagger’s popularity is soaring to new heights.

Overall, it is unlikely that Swagger will be the one to end Rusev’s undefeated streak, in spite of how huge a reaction that would get. Swagger will once again push Rusev to his limit and help make this a solid match, and hopefully would still look strong in defeat. But Rusev should hold onto his belt at least until WrestleMania, as it will help lift the title to new levels of relevance and give him a simple story heading into the big event.

Callum’s Prediction: Rusev

Brian’s Take: Do we really need to see this again? I’ll be the first to admit that I was pretty excited when Swagger initially came out to confront Rusev, but we’ve already seen this match multiple times and at this point it’s just wearing on. While Swagger is always impressive in the ring, I don’t ever see him becoming a main-event type of wrestler ever again. With that being said, there’s no reason to give Rusev’s first pin or submission to someone like him, so Rusev will retain.

Brian’s Prediction: Rusev

Carl’s Take: As much as I like Swagger, he’s not the man to take the title from the Russian and with it take his undefeated streak away. Rusev needs to go unbeaten until WrestleMania where he faces a big opponent (The Rock perhaps?) to gain some more of a rub. Until then he will be fed many opponents to build him up to be the massive heel at the top of the card he looks set to be.

With all that said, I can see this being a solid match, Swagger has all the ability to push Rusev to his limits but will fall short here.

Carl’s Prediction: Rusev

Mike’s Take: It’s good to see Swagger get this shot again, as it may be the hottest angle he’s ever been a part of.

Rusev will get the win here, but I’d really like to see this be the closest Swagger’s ever been, and have Swagger move on to something good. If Rusev’s failed feuds with Big Show and Mark Henry proved anything, it’s that the crowd got behind Swagger for more than to support America.

Mike’s Prediction: Rusev

Do you think Swagger has any chance to take the US Title away from Rusev? Let us know in the comments section below.

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