WWE SummerSlam Results: Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker


The epic rematch between The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar shook SummerSlam to its core! Find out who walked away victorious here!

Brock Lesnar came charging out from the back like a Sherman tank, stalking around the ring. The crowd has already broken into “Suplex City” chants, but they all quieted down when the lights went out and the Undertaker’s eerie music hit. The Deadman emerged from the fog and slowly made his way to the ring, flames shooting up from behind him. The crowd seems split on who to root for, but that will likely change soon.

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Lesnar wasted no time and attacked Undertaker before he could take his jacket off. Lesnar, beating him like a pulp until the Undertaker starts throwing blows, hitting him with a big boot and clothesline that sent Lesnar over the top rope. Lesnar landed on his feet, and a stare down ensues. Hot start! Back in the ring and Lesnar immediately took him down with a series of punches, but the Undertaker stunned him with a hard right hand. Undertaker in full control here using those lethal strikes he’s come to be known for. Undertaker went up for “Old School” early, but Lesnar pulled him down into F5 position. Undertake got out of it and goozled him for a chokeslam attempt, but Lesnar fought out of it. Suplex #1 from Lesnar as the crowd chants “Suplex City”. Suplex #2.  “Suplex City, bitch!!”, yells Lesnar.

Lesnar’s going for a third suplex, but Undertaker drives him into the turnbuckle instead. Snake-Eyes by the Undertaker followed by a big boot, and the action goes outside the ring. Lesnar is already busted open above his right eye. It’s an ugly cut that could have an impact on the match. Undertaker in full control, driving Lesnar into the apron, then going up for the apron leg drop. Lesnar in deep trouble. Crowd chanting “You still got it!” while a slugfest breaks out in the ring.

Undertaker goes for a chokeslam, but Lesnar reverses it for suplex #3, followed by suplex #4. Lesnar, circling the Undertaker like a predator circling his prey.  Lesnar with German suplex #5, bouncing around the ring like he hasn’t even broken a sweat. Crowd is completely split.  Back on the outside and Lesnar is clearing the announcer’s table, but Undertaker got the upper hand briefly, only for Lesnar to take control and F5 him through the table!! A chant of “holy sh*t” breaks out from the live crowd! Undertaker is out! Lesnar is back up, but his face is still bleeding profusely.

Undertaker barely beat the count of 10 back into the ring, but Lesnar is bouncing around ready. “I’ll kill you, you sonova bitch!” Lesnar shouts. Lesnar is grinning from ear to ear as the Undertaker struggles to stand up. “You’re gonna have to”, replies the Undertaker, who suddenly perks up and hits him with a chokeslam from Hell! Undertaker’s back and Lesnar is on shaky ground; Undertaker witth the Tombstone piledriver!  One-Two….no! Almost a three count! Both men on their backs, completely spent.

Lesnar sits up, laughing, followed by the Undertaker! Both men laughing and punching one another! What a moment! Lesnar driven to the corner; but he reverses with a series of shoulders to the midsection. Lesnar with the kimura lock, but Undertaker reverses with a power bomb. Near fall as Lesnar barely got the arm up after a two-count.  Lesnar got up, delivered a boot to the gut then suddenly hit Undertaker with an F5! Undertaker kicks out at two, and Lesnar is incredulous. Paul Heyman is equally aghast outside the ring.

Both men are up, Lesnar picks him up and drives him down with one more F5! Again the Undertaker kicked out and Lesnar simply can’t believe it! The pacing of this match is incredibly slow, but the big moments are tremendous and the crowd is loving it. Undertaker suckered Lesnar in and caught him with the Hell’s Gate lock! Lesnar’s close to tapping…..Heyman is screaming at ringside…but Lesnar fights out of it and gets Undertaker in the kimura lock. Will he break the arm? Just like he broke Triple H’s arm with this move?  Undertaker is fighting it…Lesnar’s shoulders are down..Undertaker seems to be tapping although the ref hasn’t called it. Suddenly the bell rings although there’s been no decision.

There’s confusion everywhere. Heyman is holding up Lesnar’s hand in victory while the ref sorts things out. Undertaker with a low blow from behind. He’s got Lesnar in the Hell’s Gate!  Lesnar is passing out! Lesnar suddenly gives him the middle finger! But he’s still fading out…Undertaker wins.  Undertaker wins by submission as Lesnar passes out.

Inside the ring, Heyman is livid! Lesnar is a bloody mess. The video replay shows Undertaker clearly tapping out, which is why the bell was rung. But the referee didn’t see it, which is why the match wasn’t stopped. Heyman goes over to the ring bell and rings it incessantly. He’s got the microphone, “No no no no no!” Heyman announces Lesnar as the real winner by tap out submission.

Travis’ Thoughts: What a chicken crap finish that was. Look, this match was never going to be as good as WrestleMania XXX. The stakes aren’t as high and this one had “gimmick finish” written all over it. But even so, this was about as lame of an ending WWE could have come up with. It makes the Undertaker look weak in victory.

It gives Lesnar and Heyman something to crow about tomorrow night, but what does this mean, overall? Is Undertaker coming back for a match at the next non-major PPV? That seems unlikely. As for the rest of the match, it was pretty slow but the major spots had the crowd going crazy. Lesnar going for the kimura lock multiple times made perfect sense. The same with Undertaker matching him with the Hell’s Gate. The F5 spot through the table early on was incredible! Good for the Undertaker being able to take that and keep going. He’s definitely still “got it”, even if he can’t go like he used to.

There just wasn’t the same level of storyline support this time to make this match live up to its predecessor.

Next: WWE SummerSlam Review

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