Points To Note From Vince McMahon-Steve Austin Interview

It’s been a busy week in the wrestling world for entertaining interviews: we’ve had Seth Rollins on Talk Is Jericho and CM Punk breaking his silence via Colt Cabana’s podcast. After Raw on Monday, we were treated to a Network exclusive – Stone Cold Steve Austin questioned Vince McMahon in what was a surprisingly open interview. Lots was said, and there are some interesting points to be taken from it.

The Network will come to the UK soon.

After nearly a year of waiting and launch dates that never quite happened, the UK should be finally be getting the WWE Network in the New Year. An exact date hasn’t been announced but if all goes to plan, the Network can be expected by January.

CM Punk receiving his termination papers on his wedding day was not intended.

Vince gave what seemed to be a very sincere apology to Punk about when his severance papers arrived in the mail. He blamed it on a lack of communication between departments.

The company would happily take Punk back one day.

He hopes that one day, Punk will agree to talk with the company and eventually return, just as stars such as Steve Austin have done in the past.

Randy Savage WILL be in the WWE Hall Of Fame one day.

Probably not this year, but in the next few years Macho Man will be rightfully inducted into the Hall Of Fame.

Vince believes that no one has grabbed the brass ring since John Cena.

No mention of Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk or any other main eventers of the past 12 years at this section. Vince McMahon has proven what the fans believed: he views Cena has the top guy by a long mile.

He believes that the future is strong in terms of talent.

Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt were all name-dropped as the wrestlers who have the ability to strive above the rest and reach ‘Cena’ level in the company. McMahon has faith in these four men, and that can’t be a bad sign.

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But some wrestlers are too scared to take risks.

No names were mentioned, but McMahon says that some members of the roster are not ambitious enough and too worried about “pissing people off” – this is the difference between them and wrestlers such as those mentioned above.

Brock Lesnar was the only guy who was right to beat the streak.

Undertaker wanted his streak to be broken for years and McMahon confirmed that he wanted to give back to the company more than anyone else. Vince chose Lesnar to be the one to break it, and affirms that he made the right choice and the timing was perfect. Lesnar has also not been appearing on TV too often because he is still a “special attraction”.

He is unsure of what to do with Cesaro.

Despite agreeing that Cesaro is a highly-skilled wrestler, he does not think he has the “it” factor and does not think that the crowd connects with him. Austin however argued Cesaro’s case.

There is no conflict between McMahon and Jim Ross.

Ross’ departure was ultimately his choice, and McMahon would not be surprised if they work together again in the future as there is no heat between them.

Hopefully this trend of open interviews that break kayfabe continues; they are very interesting for fans to listen to and clear up a lot of rumors. It would be nice to see the real person behind the characters we see on our TV screens more often.