WrestleMania 31: Preview and Predictions

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WWE World Heavyweight Championship – Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns

This WWE World Heavyweight Championship match is one of the most talked about in recent memory, both in a positive and negative light. The current champion, Brock Lesnar, had been the center of a great deal of speculation surrounding his contract status with WWE, and potentially moving back to UFC. However, those rumors were finally brought to an end on Tuesday, as Lesnar called time on his MMA career and committed his long-term future to WWE. With Paul Heyman by his side, the Beast will be fully focused on decimating his opponent and leaving WrestleMania the champion.

Speaking of his opponent, Roman Reigns has had the microscope focused just as closely on him in the past few months since winning the Royal Rumble. That result drew a great deal of negativity, as many have argued that Reigns has been pushed to the top too soon, overlooking a number of more organically popular stars like Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler. From that moment on much has been done to try and rebuild his popularity in the eyes of the fans, by having him earn the respect of wrestlers and overcome the odds. But, there will still be a vocal section of the crowd tomorrow desperate to see the Samoan lose.

Now that Lesnar is confirmed to be part of WWE for the next three years at least, this has gone from being one of the easiest matches to predict to extremely difficult. Reigns clearly has a lot of star power, and I feel that WWE have been right to push him because he has all the makings of a future WWE Champion. But, maybe they have jumped the gun at a time where the fans wanted other people in the main event scene. Therefore, I think that at WrestleMania they will cut their losses by having Lesnar win over Reigns, before dropping the title to another star at SummerSlam or beyond. Reigns will get his moment, but I fear it won’t be tonight.

Prediction: Brock Lesnar

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