Stone Cold Podcast With Paul Heyman Recap

Follow along with our recap of the Stone Cold Podcast with Paul Heyman on the WWE Network.

Following last night’s episode of Monday Night Raw, the Stone Cold Podcast returned on the WWE Network. Steve Austin interviewerd ECW founder and the advocate for Brock Lesnar, Paul Heyman.

Here’s the recap of the podcast special below.

  • Austin says people keep asking him to ask a “hard question” and Heyman responds with “What’s the capital of Nebraska?”
  • Heyman starts talking about the first time the two met. He says he kept noticing a kid with blonde hair and Jim Ross said there was “something special” about him. Heyman says he was going to introduce himself but Austin disappeared. He saw Austin hitting the ropes harder than anyone and saw something in him. Heyman felt there was something great in him and introduced himself.
  • Heyman talks about making the Dangerous Alliance in WCW. He talks about talking to Dusty Rhodes about adding Austin to the group.
  • Austin brings up Brock Lesnar. Heyman says its public knowledge that he’ll be back very soon. He starts talking about Lesnar’s background and how who we see on TV is the real person. They get into Austin wanting to hunt with Lesnar.
  • Austin brings up Lesnar’s contract situation from the spring. Heyman says Lesnar was in a mini-training camp with UFC in anticipation of maybe not being able to get a new deal with WWE. Heyman says Lesnar’s latest run with WWE was “enjoyable.”
  • Heyman says Lesnar is enjoying himself in WWE. Austin brings up people thinking Lesnar doesn’t enjoy the business, which both men deny. Heyman says Lesnar loves the business, but loves his children more. He says having Lesnar around less is better and compares it to having Christmas 365 times a year.
  • Austin brings up people wanting to see Heyman around more often with other clients. Heyman says his relationship with Lesnar is real on and off screen, which is why they work so well. He talks about how he partnered with CM Punk for a time on WWE TV.
  • Austin brings up Punk going to UFC. Heyman says this is not about the money but for a challenge, which Punk loves.
  • Austin brings up the art of selling and talks about how wrestlers don’t sell moves anymore. They talk about how back in the day wrestlers would win off of suplexes, DDTs or other simple moves. Heyman brings up Mark Henry and says if he put someone in a headlock and someone taps, no one can use a headlock. Heyman says moves can get over if the wrestlers sell the moves and builds it up into a big moment.
  • Austin talks about promos in today’s business and puts over Heyman’s ability to cut one. Heyman talks about the time when he cut a promo to close a show. He says he thought it was great but Rhodes asked him “where’s the money?” He talks about “selling” when he had to put over Lesnar defeating The Undertaker’s undefeated streak at WrestleMania.
  • Austin asks how we can change the promo system. Heyman says he will provide advice if people approach him. Heyman brings up how people need to sell and provide a purpose in their promos, which he says so many do not.
  • Austin brings up Vince McMahon Sr. Heyman says he took a picture of Andre the Giant and McMahon that got him $50. He tells a story about getting a press pass from Vince McMahon Jr. He talks about how he printed out the photo and gave it to McMahon Sr. Heyman says Howard Finkel gave him $50 for his troubles and told him to keep doing this to get $50 more.
  • Heyman says when McMahon Jr. bought his company from his father it was when the TV system started playing a bigger factor in wrestling shows. He says if McMahon didn’t get on national TV, everyone else would be trying to.
  • Austin says McMahon would get death threats because people hated him.
  • Heyman talks about his relationship with McMahon and says there was a contentious dynamic for years.
  • Heyman talks about fatherhood and how it has chilled him out over the years.
  • Austin talks about Heyman being the head SmackDown writer (during the brand split) and how successful it went.
  • Austin asks about the infamous 2006 plane ride. Heyman says it was “time for him to go” because he lost his passion for the industry. He says he didn’t like the way the new ECW was going (it folded in 2010). Heyman wanted to go back to being the SmackDown writer. He says someone had to go and it was going to be him. He was exhausted and burnt out from all of it.
  • Austin asks Heyman about stories from the road and one involved Rick Rude. Rude asked Heyman to pull the car over and complained about how Austin kept saying gosh darn it (in PG terms).
  • Heyman tells a story about a road war between Sting and the Steiners vs. Heyman, Samu and Junior (Rikishi). He says his car got totaled and is not allowed to rent a car in Charlotte, NC anymore.
  • Heyman asks Austin about John Cena’s springboard stunner. Austin says it’s nice but it’s not effective.
  • Heyman asks if Austin would like to face Lesnar at WrestleMania 32 and Austin says he knows how it would go down. However, he says he would have to think about it but it would have to be discussed. He says the only way it could happen if all the signs in the universe lined up. Austin says it would have to be a Texas Deathmatch between the two.

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