WWE Money in the Bank 2015 Results: John Cena vs. Kevin Owens


Check out the results of the match between John Cena and Kevin Owens from the Money in the Bank pay-per-view.

Cena and Owens, please save this show.

The crowd was raucous for this right off the bat, mostly in favor of the NXT Champion. “N-X-T” chants reigned through the arena, too.

Owens began strong with a few hard right hands. He then hit a dropkick for a near-fall.

The announcers started playing up Owens’ “nose issues” from the past. He broke it from a CJ Parker palm strike at NXT TakeOver: R Evolution.

Cena would start to gain offense until Owens went for the shoulder tackles, set up Cena for a five knuckle shuffle and hit it. He went for the AA but it got countered.

Cena worked his way back with a reverse suplex. Owens would counter his next move and went for the pop-up powerbomb but it was reversed. Cena then successfully hit the shuffle, too.

Owens found some ground and worked offense back in. He hit a massive cannonball for a near-fall.

The two started trading blows in the middle of the ring. This led to Owens planting Cena for another near-fall.

Cena would pick up Owens for the Electric Chair but throw him forwards for another near-fall.

Mr. HLR would hit an AA and thought he got the pinfall out of it. He begged and pleaded for a three-count but the referee didn’t grant it.

The two climbed to the top rope until Owens picked him up and hit a massive powerbomb!

Owens would go for a pop-up powerbomb, which Cena countered (and looked like he landed somewhat awkwardly). Owens came back with a huge superkick for a near-fall. Cena would hit a tornado DDT for another near-fall.

Owens came back with a move that looked like the package piledriver but it was turned into a slam (WWE banned piledrivers). Cena then hit a big move off the top rope and argued the referee again for a pin.

Cena would place Owens on top of the top rope and tried for a superplex but KO reversed it into one of his own! Cena kicked out again, too.

Cena would get Owens into the STF and grab the rope to stop it. Cena then hit a beautiful move and started looking towards the crowd. Owens came back and hit a massive pop-up powerbomb for another near-fall.

Cena would hit his springboard stunner and hit the AA for the win.

After the match, Cena tried congratulating Owens, who shook his hand. However, Owens would kick him and get him outside the ring. He then powerbombed Mr. HLR into the ring apron to finish things off.

Next: WWE MITB Live Review

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