Ring of Honor “Best in the World” Results: Jay Briscoe vs. Jay Lethal


What happened during the main event of the Ring of Honor Best in the World between Jay Briscoe and Jay Lethal?

The main event of Ring of Honor Best in the World was between Jay Briscoe and Jay Lethal for the ROH World Title and ROH Television Title. This match was made after weeks of build between these two.

Briscoe came into the match holding the World Title for 286 days while Lethal held the TV Title for a continuing record of 441 days. Who would win a title? Who would lose theirs?

The Match

Things began very slow early on, as they either sized each other up or did holds for the first 3-4 minutes. They would eventually take things out of the ring and throw each other into the barricades.

Lethal began to take over with a big suplex onto the floor and a few chops. Briscoe responded with a few hard stomps.

Lethal then hit two big crash and burns. As he went for a third, Briscoe ran into the ring and crushed him with a clothesline. He would hit a crash and burn of his own.

Inside the ring, Truth Martini grabbed the foot of Briscoe, causing Lethal to gain an edge.

Lethal would slowly try to break down Briscoe until the latter got up, causing the two to trade blows. Briscoe would hit a neck-breaker Ratingand nearly get the pinfall.

Lethal got back in control and went to the top rope. However, Briscoe met him up there. This led to a dropkick on the TV Champion. Briscoe would go back up but Lethal countered and sent him off. He would hit a big elbow off the top rope and get into a Koji Clutch.

As the two were battling along the apron, Briscoe set up Lethal for a Jay Driller. Martini would quickly get onto the apron and distract the referee, resulting in Lethal delivering a low-blow. ROH Matchmaker Nigel McGuiness would leave the announce table and throw Martini out for the distraction.

Moments later, Briscoe hit a huge Jay Driller through the table off the apron! Wow! Lethal kicked out of a pin, though.

Lethal would go for the Lethal Injection but was countered into a huge lariat from Briscoe for a near-fall.

Lethal would finally hit Lethal Injection but Briscoe kicked out! This sent everyone into shock. Moments later, he would go for a Jay Driller but it was countered. Lethal then connected with it! He would finally hit a Lethal Injection and get the pin to become the new ROH World Champion!

Result: Jay Lethal defeats Jay Briscoe via pinfall to retain the ROH Television Championship and win the ROH World Championship.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Rob’s Note: This was an epic main event of two very talented wrestlers. They each had a very long title reign coming into this that made it hard to decipher who had the greatest odds. However, it turned out to be Lethal, who will be the face of ROH going forward.

Between his two stints in ROH, Lethal had never held the World Championship. He now has his first chance to show the company what we can do as the guy. After seeing what he did with the TV Title, there is no way this reign will go bad.

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