Brock Lesnar Must Lose At WWE Battleground


Brock Lesnar chased Seth Rollins, who practically stole the WWE World Heavyweight Championship from him the night before at WrestleMania 31. Rollins weaseled his way out of the arena with the title and his health. This left Lesnar infuriated. He threw the announcer’s table over Booker T and JBL, and F-5’d a flailing Michael Cole and an unfortunate cameraman twice. 

Ever since Stephanie McMahon suspended Brock Lesnar indefinitely after his temper tantrum, wrestling fans have long-awaited his return, and they finally got it this past Monday, when he shocked Rollins and went to the ring to stare him down.

Lesnar will get his rematch for the WWE title at the Battleground pay-per-view on July 19th. But, it is a match that Lesnar must lose.

Why you ask?

Mostly because Lesnar is a part-timer, and the last time he was champion made for a long stretch of bad television. But also, there is a long term reason why Lesnar should not win at Battleground.

The next pay-per-view event is SummerSlam, in which WWE considers the second most important show of the year behind ‘Mania. If a title were to change hands, it would need to be at SummerSlam, not Battleground. Especially if Lesnar is involved.

I predict that the SummerSlam main event will be a triple threat match between Rollin, Lesnar, and Roman Reigns, who was also hot under the collar during the WrestleMania fallout. I wouldn’t count out the possibility of Dean Ambrose being thrown in the mix either.

At Battleground, Lesnar won’t get pinned or submitted by Rollins, unless unfairly of course. Expect a sloppy end to the match. I think Lesnar will get disqualified, due to interference by the Authority. J&J Security and Kane will attack Rollins, therefore DQing Lesnar, which will cause a compelling storyline between the Authority, Lesnar, and “advocate” Paul Heyman.

SummerSlam needs to be revolved around Rollins. Win or lose, the SummerSlam event must put Rollins over the top. If he has a memorable performance against Lesnar and/or Reigns and/or Ambrose at SummerSlam, this could truly make him a top-tier superstar years to come.

WWE Creative may be experimenting with Rollins as a solo act, with no Shield, or no Authority to share airtime and dialogue with. SummerSlam is make it or break it time for Rollins, as he could become his own man. We’ve seen his crumbling relationship with the Authority on-screen for the past couple of months, this is the perfect time. For the first time in his WWE television career, we may get to see Rollins in simple one-on-one action. No Shield, no J&J Security, no Kane, meaning we will at last get to witness how Rollins carries matches and rivalries by himself.

This can only work if he has the title around his waist come SummerSlam though. It’s time for the WWE and Rollins to prove who the future is.

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