How the GFW-TNA Relationship Needs to Work


With Jeff Jarrett set to make an announcement on the GFW-TNA relationship, we took a look at how this needs to work out.

Once the TNA Impact Wrestling spoilers came out for the next five weeks, people realized Jeff Jarrett wouldn’t be on to address himself winning the King of the Mountain Championship and what he would do with it. However, Jarrett announced that he will speak to Mike Tenay (in what’s likely a separate, taped segment) on the upcoming episode of Impact Wrestling about the future of Global Force Wrestling with TNA.

The rumored result of this is some type of “invasion” angle with the GFW roster. Before I get into why this will or won’t work, let’s look at how this relationship should work out since it’s on the horizon.

If GFW is really invading TNA, it needs to be the beginning of a re-brand for the latter company. The GFW roster needs to start off by coming in as heels and taking down everyone on the TNA roster. Backstage segments, match run-ins and anything else that can be done to make the new guys look dominant and strong. The result of this would be rivalries created and big title matches made. If GFW already has titles, unification matches can be created.

While the talent’s role in the invasion is obviously a big deal, the “real-life” aspects of the relationship are most important.

Once TNA is officially “taken over” by GFW, the former must re-brand itself as Global Force Wrestling.

When a wrestling fan hears “TNA,” cancellation, disorganization, trying to be WWE, among others all come to mind. Obviously that’s not a good thing and at this point, getting people to not think that isn’t possible. Total Nonstop Action (when’s the last time someone referred to it as that?) has simply become a scarred brand.

TNA becoming GFW would make things feel fresh and possibly welcome in new viewers to see what this “new” show is. Jarrett would also get his TV deal and the TNA talent wouldn’t lose their jobs.

The next thing revolves around Jarrett and Dixie Carter somehow working together. It should be noted the two haven’t been the best of friends since Jarrett resigned from TNA in December 2013. Would Jarrett go over Carter on the executive hierarchy?

While this relationship looks like it will happen, the question is how good would an “invasion” angle be and if people should care?

Well, if GFW is planning on invading TNA right off the bat, there’s an issue. It begins with GFW not being established. Most casual fans have no idea who they are and if they tune in to see this “GFW” company taking over TNA, they will be confused. All GFW has to back themselves up on is a couple of live events that drew a few hundred people.

Who would really benefit from this, though? The answer is GFW, despite piggybacking off a dying brand.

Jarrett has had issues getting GFW a TV deal. By getting on Destination America and merging the company with TNA, his TV contract issues would be resolved.

GFW would also be seen as a positive and refreshing. It’s the re-branding that TNA would badly need and Jarrett’s company would provide that, as noted earlier.

Then there’s the GFW roster—some of which will be featured on their second TV show (other being Ring of Honor Wrestling). It gives them more exposure, as they would be seen by TNA fans who may not know them (The Young Bucks, Karl Anderson, Doc Gallows, etc.).

The only way TNA would benefit from this is getting some buzz—and that’s only temporary until the two brands merge. They got that with Jarrett showing up for Slammiversary but that seemed more about getting his company some cheap publicity.

A TNA-GFW relationship is inevitable. How it results for either side remains to be seen once the announcement is made on Impact Wrestling.

You can follow Rob Wolkenbrod on Twitter @RealRobWolkey. If you would like to send a report from a live event, email us at

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