WWE Night of Champions: 10 Best Matches In PPV’s History

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9. The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan for the United States Championship, 2010

Before “The Bearded One” took over WWE crowds worldwide with the “YES!” chant, his trials and tribulations began back in the summer of 2010.

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Daniel Bryan was brought on as Team WWE’s seventh member (instead of WWE United States Champion The Miz) in their main event clash against The Nexus at SummerSlam. The Miz, who was also Bryan’s WWE pro during the initial season of NXT, was infuriated.

Bryan and The Miz were involved in a heated program around Miz’s United States title after Bryan was hired back on by WWE and his stellar showing at SummerSlam against his former comrades. The two had a fun match at the Night of Champions pay-per-view in Bryan’s first title match with WWE, which ended with Bryan locking in the “YES!” Lock and becoming the first NXT member to win WWE gold.

The Chicago crowd at the renowned Rosemont Horizon (yeah, I know … it’s the Allstate Arena now) came unglued for Bryan’s victory. As a famous independent wrestling star, hardcore wrestling fans like the ones in Chicago helped Bryan push towards the mega-star he would soon become in WWE.

Next: 8. Chris Jericho vs. Kofi Kingston, Night of Champions 2008