WWE Night of Champions 2015 Review: Results, Analysis, Grades; Sting, Seth Rollins, Kane

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WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match
Seth Rollins (c) vs. Sting

Result: Seth Rollins defeats Sting via pinfall to retain the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Rating: 3.8 out of 5 stars

Sting wasted no time and attacked Rollins right away. He went for the Scorpion Death Lock and locked it in but Rollins got to the ropes.

Sting went for the Scorpion Death Drop but Rollins countered. However, the WWE WHC got thrown over the ropes. Rollins then got put into the steel steps.

Rollins would get in some offense with stomps in the corner. However, Sting tossed him out of the ring and threw him into the barricade. Inside the ring, Sting threw a few punches and threw him into the turnbuckle. Rollins would scurry out of the ring and try to escape. Sting would bring him back in but he got thrown through the announce table by Rollins!

Rollins would start walking away but come back as he saw Sting struggling. He scoop slammed Sting onto the broken table. He would get a near-fall in the ring.

Rollins then hit a forearm to the face and a suplex for a near-fall. He would hit a buckle bomb on Sting into the corner for a near-fall.

Rollins went for a Pedigree, but got tossed onto the apron. Sting then shoved Rollins into the barricade.

In the ring, Sting hit multiple punches and a clothesline on Rollins. He hit two Stinger Splashes and threw him out of the ring. Sting then climbed to the top rope and jumped onto Rollins!

Sting then hit the Scorpion Death Drop in the ring but Rollins got his foot to the bottom rope. Sting went for punches but got driven into the turnbuckle.

After dodging a clothesline, Sting fell to ground. The doctors attended to him but did not put up the dreaded “X.”

Rollins went for a Pedigree but Sting locked in the SDL! Rollins would climb to the ropes, though. Rollins went for the Pedigree but Sting countered. However, Rollins rolled him up and got the pin.

Sheamus would come out and go for the cash in. However, Kane then came out and attacked Rollins. He would also take out Sheamus, ending his cash in.

You can follow Rob Wolkenbrod on Twitter @RealRobWolkey. If you would like to send a report from a live event, email us at trebor5227@yahoo.com.

Next: Should These 5 Title Changes Happen at WWE Night of Champions

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