WWE Hell in a Cell 2015: 5 Reasons Why You Should Watch

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 If this match doesn’t get you pumped up, take on basket weaving as a new hobby.

While it would have been nice to see these two have their rubber match at WrestleMania 32, ending their legendary feud in a Hell in a Cell match seems very appropriate considering their history. Undertaker’s HIAC record is 6-5 (with 1 no contest), while Brock Lesnar is 1-0, defeating Taker back in 2002, experience goes to Taker, while Brock has the bragging rights.

It will be extremely interesting to see how WWE books this match, but to me, only two ways make sense; either Brock wins it, clean, or Brock loses via a major distraction by another wrestler to give him a new feud down the road. Either way this is going to be a huge match, and whether you’re a Brock fan or an Undertaker fan, this should be a lot of fun to watch, so don’t miss it, besides, what else are you going to do on a Sunday night? Watch football or The Walking Dead, or…

Okay, maybe there are a few other things you could be doing, but keep in mind this will be the last time we get to see either wrestler for the next couple months. At the very worst, you’ll get to see Undertaker suplexed about ten times, with a few of them up against the cell, all while Heyman cackles on the outside.

So, get your one friend that still likes wrestling, a case of Mountain Dew KickStart, and enjoy the show!

Next: Who Will John Cena Face at WWE Hell in a Cell? (Poll)

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