WWE WrestleMania 32: Can Ronda Rousey Save the Main Event?


WWE desperately needs to save the WrestleMania 32 main event between Roman Reigns and Triple H for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Could Ronda Rousey be the answer?

It is no secret that WWE has a problem on their hands when it comes to the WrestleMania 32 main event between Roman Reigns and Triple H for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

The problem is that Reigns, the supposed top babyface of the company, has been booed heavily in each arena that he has been in. Meanwhile, Triple H, the supposed top heel of the company, has been cheered heavily in each arena that he has been in.

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WWE appears to be addressing this issue by having Triple H have a mini-feud with Dean Ambrose. Ambrose is extremely over with the WWE Universe right now. The plan may be for Triple H to continue his attacks on Ambrose until Reigns returns to make the save. Though, WWE would be lying to themselves if they thought that such a plan will actually work.

Unfortunately, Ambrose is not going to be able to save the WrestleMania 32 main event. Ambrose will be involved in a feud with Brock Lesnar and that likely prevent him from being a staple in the main event feud for WrestleMania 32. WWE needs someone from outside the company to save the WrestleMania 32 main event. Could that individual be Ronda Rousey?

The seeds to Rousey having an issue with The Authority have already been laid. At WrestleMania 31, Rousey along with The Rock confronted Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. This led to a physical altercation where Rousey got the best of both McMahon and Triple H. Rousey could return at WrestleMania 32 as a special guest referee and cost Triple H the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

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There is no doubt that from a PR perspective, Rousey’s involvement in the WrestleMania 32 main event would certainly be a hit for WWE. With the exception of recently being on the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition and an interview on “Ellen”, Rousey has been out of the public eye since she suffered her first UFC loss last November. Having Rousey return to the spotlight at WrestleMania 32 would certainly draw headlines from a multitude of media platforms.

But will that be enough to save the main event at WrestleMania 32? The answer to that question is likely no. Rousey’s involvement would certainly give off the scent of the WWE desperately trying to get Reigns over–similar to when The Rock made the save at the Royal Rumble pay-per view in 2015. If The Rock couldn’t save Reigns and the Royal Rumble main event in 2015, then it seems unlikely that Rousey would be able to do so for the WrestleMania 32 main event.

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Should Ronda Rousey be the special guest referee for the WrestleMania 32 main event? Sound off with your thoughts in the comments section below.