Finn Balor Needs to Debut in WWE as a Babyface


Finn Balor’s debut has usually been featured alongside a heel turn, but with AJ Styles and The Club in full heel form, the opportunity is ripe for a babyface Balor debut.

I’ve pretty much given up on attempting to speculate on when Finn Balor will debut on the main roster. You all should too. At this point, it is a hard fact that Balor is the biggest troll in the WWE. It feels like every pay-per-view nowadays WWE fans are almost positive that this will be the big moment when the Demon finally arrives. With Money in the Bank around the corner, rumors again are as prevalent as ever. However, with AJ Styles recent heel turn and feud with John Cena, Balor’s place on the main roster is suddenly in doubt.

Perhaps the one constant in the midst of all previous Finn Balor debut rumors was the general belief that he would be debuting as a heel. The thought was that Balor would debut into an alliance with Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows, forming the highly anticipated Balor Club. Now this all made sense when Styles and The Club were on the verge of breaking up, but now that Styles has embraced his heel role alongside Gallows and Anderson, where does that leave Finn Balor? There doesn’t seem to be any reason for Balor to come in and join The Club right now, so the only alternative is for Balor to debut as a face against his former allies.

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If we are to assume that Balor’s debut is coming sooner rather than later, it makes sense to analyze how his debut could factor in to the current feud between AJ Styles and John Cena. Now while Cena’s recent return was met with a generally positive reception, it’s no secret that Cena is just as hated as he is loved. With the fan-favorite AJ Styles in the heel role, WWE is going to need to find a way to make it at least appear that Cena is the “good guy” amongst the fans. As this feud is likely to last multiple PPVs, a Finn Balor debut could potentially add some serious intrigue.

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Consider the fact that the time is going to come when Styles and The Club take advantage of their numbers and deliver a serious 3-on-1 beating to John Cena. It’s during this moment that Finn Balor should debut. Just imagine the sight of Finn Balor taking it to AJ Styles and company after a black-out. The crowd reaction would be electric. It’s also quite possible that even the most adamant Cena-haters would be swayed by such an anticipated arrival. Preferably, this moment would come toward the end of the Styles and Cena feud, and would focus more so on setting up a feud between Balor and Styles rather than an alliance between Balor and Cena.

I would guess that a feud between AJ Styles and Finn Balor is something that most WWE fans want to see, and it could even serve as a catalyst that could eventually propel Balor to becoming the top face in the company. A traditional babyface that the majority of fans actually cheer for is surprisingly scarce in the current WWE landscape. In the reality era where heels are cheered, guys like Cena and Roman Reigns find themselves the target of boos wherever they go. If you think about, how many actual well-liked faces do WWE have? I mean there’s Sami Zayn…but really who else? WWE needs a face they can rely on right now, and Finn Balor may just be the right guy for the job.

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Balor has proven to be one of the company’s most successful babyfaces already, and his time in NXT has proven that he is sure to be a fan favorite whenever he reaches Raw or Smackdown. While a Balor heel turn would certainly be entertaining and is sure to happen in the future, the fact is that right now a babyface Finn Balor is what’s best for business.