Why We Shouldn’t Want Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar

With Goldberg’s rumored return to the WWE, there is speculation of a rematch with Brock Lesnar. However, that might not be the right decision.

Fans can’t blame the WWE for wanting to entertain the idea of stars from the past to make a short-term return. It’s understandable for the WWE to want to have Goldberg make some type of return in the WWE.

He still has quite a recognizable name within the wrestling community. It would also provide a boost for the WWE Network as people may want to go back and watch his best matches in WCW. This isn’t going to be an argument against the WWE bringing in Goldberg on what would likely be a very short-term contract.

However, the problem is that the rumored match for Goldberg’s return is against Brock Lesnar. Seeing “Goldberg vs. Lesnar” brings back horrible memories of one of the worst matches in WrestleMania history. The thought of the WWE wanting to bring this match back doesn’t truly excite some fans like myself.

I remember being a sophomore in high school and a few of my friends came over to my house to watch the WrestleMania XX card in 2004. The WWE booked the match perfectly with Goldberg having been eliminated from the Royal Rumble by Brock Lesnar. After Goldberg got revenge at a month later that gave Eddie Guerrero an upset win, fans like us wanted to see what was going to happen between these two monsters of men.

This was the match we wanted to see. We had high expectations for this card. That’s a big statement when it also included Guerrero and Kurt Angle for the WWE Championship. And let’s not forget the triple threat match between Chris Benoit, Shawn Michaels and Triple H.

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Once the bell rang, that excitement and anticipation devolved into boredom and waiting. Patiently waiting for someone to do something. Then it became waiting with an annoyed and questioning tone.

“When are they going to do something?” Both men spent more time taunting, standing on opposite corners and locking up with nothing afterwards. This went on for about half of the near 14 minutes the match took up on the pay-per-view. Many experts rated it the worst match in WrestleMania history. The problem was the match had two men who were on their way out the door and didn’t care to give us a good match.

At this point of my writing, I’m imagining someone reading this thinking that the new installment of the rivalry between Goldberg and Brock Lesnar is going to be different. That might be true. But the issue with having another match between these two is more about how it will likely end horribly.

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On one side, Lesnar winning the match would have a similar effect to when the WWE brought Sting in for a few matches. Rather than having the former WCW star gain some much deserved glory, the WWE buried that star with a winless run in the company. This isn’t a win that will actually do much for the stock of Lesnar.

On the other side of the coin, Goldberg doesn’t need a victory over Lesnar to cement his name in professional wrestling greatness. At age 49, he’s not likely going to have a big two-year run in the company that leads to him winning a heavyweight championship.

However, guys like Samoa Joe and Kevin Owens come to mind as superstars who should defeat Lesnar. Not an older Goldberg who is past his wrestling prime.

These two don’t need to face each other. Lesnar should be used to help put over the next generation of WWE superstars. And regarding Goldberg, he should have a few matches to avenge his last run in the WWE. One potential match could be Goldberg vs. Triple H, because that would be a much better option over a rematch with Lesnar.

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Now this would be the part where I drink a cup of tea and say something like “but what do I know?” But I do know how bad the first match was between these two and it’s the type of history that should never, ever repeat itself.