5 Reasons WWE Shouldn’t Sign Ronda Rousey

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4. The Landscape of the Women’s Division

Ronda Rousey signing with the WWE is the equivalent of Lesnar returning to WWE after his stint in the UFC. This is really a big deal if it actually happens. The women’s division would have someone with the star power and credibility similar to that of Brock Lesnar. When Lesnar returned to the WWE, Michael Cole said: “the entire landscape of the WWE has changed”. If Rousey signs with them, the entire landscape of the women’s division would change.

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To be frank, there is no one on the roster that can come close to her level of badassery. Once again, all the women on the roster are gifted athletes. Given the time to tell a story in the ring, most of them can create a stellar match. But when Rousey steps into the ring, none of that would matter because she would be the main event. She has the ability and the drawing power to do that. Her name is enough to get people to pay attention. Charlotte and Banks might still find their place on the top of the division. But what about the others?

Having Rousey in the women’s division might steal someone else’s spotlight. There are a lot of up and coming performers on the women’s division on both Raw and SmackDown. Despite being recent call-ups Carmella and Alexa Bliss made a name for themselves because WWE continued to showcase them. With the spotlight shining as brightly as it would on Ronda Rousey, other women would have an even tougher time to break through the glass ceiling. Think of people like Emma, Dana Brooke and anyone from the NXT. Imagine Rousey makes her debut and a few weeks later Asuka moves to the main roster. Now all the sudden, Asuka’s main roster call-up wouldn’t have the electricity that it should have had.