WWE Raw Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for February 6

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Samoa Joe Signs His Contract

Good to see that Samoa Joe kept his suits from his time in the Main Event Mafia!

This segment started with a whimper, built to something awesome, deflated when Roman Reigns came out, and picked right back up again by the end. Let’s unpack what happened.

First off, how on earth can you make this segment all about Stephanie and Foley? This is Joe’s big moment, and the first chunk was all about neutering Foley and making sure Stephanie is the most important person in the ring. I know that’s standard operating procedure for Raw, but still. Let the man have his moment.

That said, Joe did get to shine, and he presented himself as the monster of all monsters. When he speaks, you believe every word he says. When he says he’ll choke you out and then beat you up after you wake up, he means it.

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But of course, the other Samoan named Joe – Roman Reigns – has to come out to ruin everything. Or so I thought! His music hit and I audibly sighed to the no one watching Raw with me. I figured it would be the typical kind of Roman Reigns promo – and it kind of was.

Somehow, though, the segment came back around and had me excited. I don’t know if it’s lowered expectations because I fully expect Roman to look strong, but I want to see this match. Foley seemed more excited than he has in a while, and he seemed more coherent as well.

Quick aside: Does anyone else get the feeling that Mick is subtly hinting that his time as GM is coming to a close? He seemed to make a point of saying, “As long as I’m still GM” a few times. Foreshadowing, perhaps?