WWE Raw Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for March 6

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Bayley’s Road to WrestleMania

Oh, boy. Here we go again. I’m not happy about writing this, believe me. But here’s another edition of “Raw Women’s Division Theater.”

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This week, Mick Foley is talking to Bayley. She seems upset, and he tries to console her. She goes on a tangent about how she watched her friends at WrestleMania last year, and she promised to get there, but it doesn’t feel right. (Probably because you cheated, and probably because your character has been assassinated since arriving on Raw. But I digress.)

Then Foley asks who Bayley is going to face at WrestleMania this year. First off, since when is that how it works? Literally every other championship at least has someone requesting a match, if not people challenging to get the opportunity. But no, Mick is all, “So who do you want to fight? Go ahead and pick!”

This brings Sasha out to ask for a match in the name of friendship. Foley is set to agree until Charlotte Flair and Dana Brooke come to the ring. Charlotte plays the victim – which is absolutely true in context. Her conspiracy theory going back to Roadblock is a little much, but she’s still right. Meanwhile, Dana Brooke is doing some world class mime work off to the side.

And what Raw Women’s Division Theater would be complete with Stephanie McMahon, The Most Important Woman In WWE History? She emasculates Mick once again, making Charlotte vs. Bayley at WrestleMania. Mick tries to stand up to her, but haha nope. He proposes a “play-in” match, for all intents and purposes, but is rebuffed. And Stephanie makes it so that Sasha Banks might get in to make it a triple threat match. All she has to do is defeat Bayley right now.

To recap: Somehow Charlotte is the most sympathetic character in this whole thing, Bayley is sad, and Sasha has to beat her friend to get on the WrestleMania card. Mick Foley has no power, and Stephanie McMahon is the only person who matters. And Dana Brooke can point at the WrestleMania sign.