WWE WrestleMania 33: Pros and Cons of AJ Styles vs. Shane McMahon

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The somewhat-controversial AJ Styles vs. Shane McMahon match at WrestleMania 33 has its fair share of negatives, but can’t be completely thrown out the window.

AJ Styles is coming off multiple attempts at getting a WWE Championship match at WrestleMania 33. It started with the Elimination Chamber match, which he lost as the runner-up to Bray Wyatt. However, with a rematch still there from his John Cena loss, there seemed to be some hope. That was until Wyatt pinned Cena in a triple threat match.

Again, all hope wasn’t lost for Styles, who tied with Luke Harper in a battle royal to determine Wyatt’s WrestleMania 33 opponent. The Phenomenal One even won a singles match against Harper to seemingly claim his spot, until Randy Orton decided to appear at the end of SmackDown and want his title shot back. This led to Orton, who’s also the 2017 Royal Rumble winner, defeating Styles to earn his match with Wyatt.

For a few months, the Wrestling Observer had noted Styles vs. Shane McMahon was the plan for WrestleMania 33. So for those who followed these reports, this may have been in the back of your mind.

Well, after Styles lost to Orton on SmackDown, the first seeds were planted for a WrestleMania 33 match with the Leader of the Show. This saw an angry Superstar that just got pinned take out his frustrations on McMahon, lashing out for still being deserved his WrestleMania main event spot. Styles had teased for a few weeks that he was unhappy with management, but never went too far.

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So potentially the No. 2 match from SmackDown at WrestleMania 33 will see AJ Styles vs. Shane McMahon. Some will love it, while others won’t. There are fair arguments to be made on both sides, just like every other match that will be seen at the show.

Let’s break down the pros and cons of the potential Styles vs. McMahon, which should see plenty of build for the next three weeks.