4 Predictions for WWE Raw: April 3, 2017

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Goodbye, Undertaker

Last night, The Undertaker all but confirmed that his career in WWE has come to an end. Leaving his infamous hat and jacket inside the ring, he walked up the ramp without a word. Since the man behind this character is very protective of the gimmick, this could be the farewell we receive. That would go down as a great shame, because a man like The Undertaker deserves so much more. In order to protect his character and still show respect to the Deadman, there are a number of different possibilities.

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First and foremost, WWE could take advantage of the amazing video production team they possess. Throughout the episode, highlights of his historic career could be shown and superstars speaking about his legacy. Another option would be to have him confront Roman Reigns in the center of the ring. Offering him his yard out of respect for his victory, it could present the Deadman a perfect way to leave with his honor intact.

Finally, WWE could simply decide to give Undertaker a similar farewell to what they gave Ric Flair. Although this would diminish the aura surrounding the character, it really doesn’t matter if he’s retiring does it? The man has earned a night where he receives praise from both the fans and his peers. For over two decades he protected his gimmick, and now is the time for him to rejoice and look back on a great career.

Kayfabe is a great thing, but at times it restricts the business from showing its proper appreciation at times. This is one of those examples, and exceptions should be made for a made as polarizing as The Undertaker.

Next: WrestleMania Review

What do you think will occur on tonight’s episode of Raw? Let us know in the comments below.