WWE Payback 2017: Best and Worst Moments

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Source: WWE.com via Twitter

Worst: Obvious Rematch Forthcoming

Okay, let’s get one thing straight: I am not saying that Braun Strowman absolutely annihilating Roman Reigns was one of the worst parts of Payback. Not by a long shot. In fact, the match itself was really good, for what it was. Reigns may have gotten a little too much “Super Roman” offense in, like the Samoan Drop with supposedly busted ribs. But overall, the match was decent.

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What is one of the worst parts of Payback is the blatantly obvious setup of (yet another) rematch between Reigns and Strowman at the next Raw pay per view. Team Red’s next big show? Extreme Rules on June 4.

If you don’t think Reigns vs. Strowman in a Stairs match is gonna happen, you’ve never watched wrestling before.

There’s five weeks between now and Extreme Rules. That’s plenty of time for someone with Wolverine’s accelerated healing properties like Roman to rest up and be at close to full strength for another match. And the beatdown with the ring steps is telegraphing this next step pretty heavily.

Don’t get me wrong, Braun Strowman should be getting plenty of chances to shine. And for better or worse, Reigns is the new face of WWE – at least on the Raw side. If you’re going to showcase another talent, going up against the face of the company is a good way to do it. I just don’t like the way that the main event of Payback was just a stepping stone to something else.

Next: 25 Greatest WrestleMania Moments in WWE History

What do you think were the best and worst moments of WWE Payback?