WWE Extreme Rules 2017: 3 Potential Main Events

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Credit: WWE.com

1. No. 1 Contenders Match for the WWE Universal Championship
Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt vs. Finn Balor

The Universal Championship not being around for Extreme Rules is having its effect, now that Strowman is likely off the show. It exposes the flaws of Raws roster, like not preparing other stars’ booking in case of an injury.

Well, there is a way to get around Lesnar and this title not being present – have a No. 1 Contenders Match for it.

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The first name that will pop up is Reigns. He hasn’t been in the World title picture since Royal Rumble, but as we’ve seen before, WWE won’t keep him away from this for long. Plus, this is the man who they’re still trying to make the Next Face of the Company, so any chance to put him into marquee situations like this will be taken advantage of.

Balor proclaimed his desire for the Universal Championship after Payback. He never lost the belt, having been forced to relinquish it, when he suffered a shoulder injury during the inaugural title match for this title. It gives logic to throw the Demon King into the title picture, without having to do creative booking to make this work.

Wyatt can be tied in with his fights with Balor over the past month. However, these two did not interact one week after the Cult-Like Leader cost Balor his No. 1 Contenders Match for the Intercontinental Championship. That may mean these two for shuffled in the Strowman injury mix, or they were strangely holding off pitting these two against each other for a week.

Next: All 26 Champions in NXT History, Ranked

We’ve seen No. 1 Contenders Matches for World championships main event shows before (e.g. Fastlane 2016) and pay off. Can this be the case at Extreme Rules?