WWE SmackDown Live: 4 Potential Cinderella Stories

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4. The Ascension

Ascension is quite the curious case in WWE. The team has all the right qualities to make it big in pro-wrestling. Bad ass tag team name? Check. Versatile wrestling skills? Check. Cool finishing move with an even cooler name? Check. Awesome entrance music? Check. However, Konnor and Victor are yet to find traction on the main roster.

Upon making their debut, the team was heavily criticized for their resemblance to Demolition. However, be that as it may, I have always felt like the team had a wonderful old school aura surrounding them. But even the commentary team, especially JBL drew comparisons between them and team of yesteryear. The result? Two talented young stars struggling to sustain their position on the main roster.

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Ascension certainly packs a punch when it comes to in-ring skills. They were one of the most dominating tag teams in the initial days of NXT. Sadly, the team has been reduced to a mere shadow of their former self. The aura that surrounded them throughout their NXT stint and first few days in the main roster has now disappeared. Konnor and Victor have gone on to become comedic acts instead of the predators they really.

The Ascension should have been drawing comparisons to their eventual counterparts, The Revival. Both teams are composed of heavy hitters with an old school aura surrounding them. In fact, Ascension Vs Revival should have been a dream match in the fans’ eyes were it not for the poor booking decisions. However, all is not lost yet though. Creative could still work their magic on the duo and bring them back to relevancy.

They could start with giving the duo some more air time and some wins eventually. Much like Breezango, Ascension need to be built with backstage segments. Some wardrobe changes could also help the duo. Moreover, if creative were to really commit to this, they should pair this tag team with a manager or mouth piece. It never goes out of style and always works.