WWE Raw: The Impact of Enzo Amore and Big Cass


The team of Enzo and Big Cass shockingly came to an end this week on Raw.

Rightfully so, Enzo Amore and Big Cass are the big news of the week.  Whether fans predicted the split of Enzo and Cass or were shocked, there is no doubt that the moment was monumental.  After weeks of backstage attacks on Raw, it was revealed to be Cass after all.  Cass then dished out a brutal promo towards his tag team partner as fans looked on in disbelief.  They saw a popular tag team crumble before their eyes, a team that was red hot every time they made their way onto the stage.

The team of Enzo and Cass had all the makings to be one of the greatest tag teams of the modern era.  They were compared to the New Age Outlaws thanks to Enzo’s gift of gab and Cass’ ‘less is more’ in making his few words count.  Fans were spelling “soft” an entirely different way which made it cool.  The charisma was so infectious that the crowd was hot for them every week on Raw.

Enzo and Cass were one of the more fun tag teams in recent years.  It didn’t matter that they came up short in capturing tag team gold.  The team was the epitome of sports entertainment; something they did extremely well.  Now it is no more.

Ironically enough, there was weight to Cass’ vicious words on Monday night.  They never attained gold in either NXT or WWE.  That was where Cass was getting at, and unfortunately for us, all good things must come to an end.

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Much like #DIY, this team was beloved by adults and kids alike.  But seeing both of these feuds should be pretty good considering the history both teams have in their respective angles.  For Enzo and Cass, once their feud is over, they will be on their own which will be even more unusual to see in the months to come.  Cass has huge potential to be main event star in the future – last year’s fatal-four way match for the Universal Championship was the start of it.  There are also rumors of Enzo possibly being added to the Cruiserweight division.

The biggest impact they had since debuting on the main roster is that the fans are 100% invested whether they are a team or not.  The sky is the limit for both men as they take off in their solo WWE careers.  One thing is for sure, the battle between Enzo and Cass will be hot for the summer.  The next several weeks should be interesting when it concerns the former tag team.  With both Great Balls of Fire and SummerSlam coming up I would hope that their feud isn’t a one and done match.  The team is bigger than that, and deserves the time.

Related Story: WWE Raw: Can Enzo Amore Survive as a Singles Competitor?

Until then, fans are waiting to see what Enzo will come up with next week on Raw in response to the shocking admission.  If anything else, the promo battles will be nothing short of epic.