5 WWE Superstars Who Deserve a Title Shot

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1. Sami Zayn

Was there any doubt?

“The Underdog From the Underground” has time and again been on the cusp of winning his first ever main roster singles title. In fact, Sami hasn’t held any gold on the main roster. I’m not pushing for Sami to be put into a tag team, even though I have no doubt he would knock that out of the park too.

Sami just needs WWE to get behind him. No doubt one of the best workers on the card today, Sami always manages to put on great matches with whoever he’s in the ring with. He even managed to have a great match with Baron Corbin. Something not many have been able to do.

It looked like WWE were finally going to give Sami the chance he deserved when they moved him to Smackdown. Fresh from Raw, and winning regularly on Smackdown. It looked like Sami’s woes were over, and he was finally going to get the push he deserved.

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He was placed in a number one contenders match for the WWE Championship and was the odds on favorite to win. Going up against Mojo Rawley, Dolph Ziggler, Jinder Mahal, Luke Harper, and Erick Rowan. Everyone was sure Sami was going to win, and we were going to see him finally get his shot.

But, Jinder Mahal shocked everyone and pinned Sami to win instead, and ever since it’s been back to losing more often than winning for Sami Zayn.

The underground story only lasts for so long before fans lose interest. If WWE continues down this path with Sami, it won’t be too long, before every time he gets an opportunity fans automatically know he’s not going to win, if we’re not already there.

It’s a shame too, coming out of NXT Sami looked to be the next big thing in WWE. Ending his NXT career the night before WrestleMania 32 in a match against Shinsuke Nakamura. A match that was easily the best of the year for WWE. He even went on to put on a great showing the next night at WrestleMania in the Intercontinental Ladder Match that kicked off the show.

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Simply put, WWE is wasting Sami Zayn, and he more than anyone else deserves a single title run. Sami could be the new Daniel Bryan. The reason Bryan got over so well and is so loved is that he eventually won the title, and overcame the odds. Sami needs to overcome the odds sooner rather than later. Or, fans may lose interest entirely.